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Everything posted by MH6~SPARTA~

  1. Some other potential heists that will be included with release: Airfield: \ Yacht: Mansion (?): Jewelry Store, Forest (Exterior of Mansion?), Large Bank (?), Loading Docks:
  2. So very close. I had originally planned to use a quote from him but it was a bit long winded. Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels was a good movie too. You got it, great movie. Now you gotta give us a new quote.
  3. My Cousin Vinny. Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt... me. P.S.- Pretty good movie if you haven't seen it.
  5. I remember reading somewhere that Overkill had planned something like 15-17 unique missions. I've also seen YouTube videos of the pre-beta release that included other missions such as "Framing Frame" where you steal art from an art gallery. Considering the enjoyment I've had with just the current handful of missions, I can't wait till there are almost triple that amount. On another note, they've said there will be up to potentially 5 separate DLC packages. Which I'm sure will add new heists. P.S.- Our last Bank Heist scored us a whopping $401,000 in cash money.
  6. This game is amazing. Been playing it non-stop for the past couple of days. Can't wait for release. Stealth runs are incredibly fun in this game. It is also a vast improvement over the original Payday. Well worth the $50 for the pre-order.
  7. Might need another clue for that one. Edit: Nevermind. I thought one of your clues was your quote.
  8. The way he pronounces Chinook amuses me. I don't know why.
  9. You gotta be careful dueling graphics cards. For one, if they ain't bred for it, you won't have much of a fight and the crowd will get angrier than a bear trapped in a beehive. Last thing you want during a fight is an angry crowd, 'cause they'll turn on you faster than a fox on a hen. But cha' gotta be careful, cause if they ARE bred for it, they're such a volatile creature that the slightest glance can set them off on a murderous rampage. You ever seen a 660 maul a man? I have, and let me tell you, that's one sight you won't soon forget. We couldn't even string him back together enough for an open burial, so his family ended up cremating the remains. Poor bastard didn't even see it comin'. Now the key to breeding a good 660 is discipline. You're creating a weapon, a fearsome creature of destruction. You sure as hell don't want it to be temperamental, 'cause the next time you try to transport the sucker he might decide he's had enough of your little power trip and might decide--then and there--that you'd probably make a mighty fine meal. You want that beast to be so utterly devoted to you that it wouldn't dream of touching a hair on your head. And on the flip side be such a cruel sum'bitch that anything OTHER than you won't last a second in the ring. And that takes discipline, sure as eggs take a chicken. Now I been dueling cards for more years than I can count, so when I say I know a thing'er'two 'bout dueling, you best believe me. A 660 is mighty fine stock, so you got that going for you, but these other folks been dueling a lot longer than you have, some as long as me. If you ain't careful, if you ain't a hundred percent on your game, they're gonna tear you apart sonny. See, half of 'em are about as bad as their beasts, if not worse. Pets take after their owners, as they say. So watch your step--and if you want to succeed, if you want to be the best dang'on dueler this side of the world, you need to act the part. So chin up sonny! Back straight, shoulders squared, tuckus tight! You want them to take one look at you and think "That's the meanest sum'bitch I've ever seen". 'Cause that's how you win, sure as feathers on a goose. Listen to me and you might survive. Listen to me--and you might just be world champ.
  10. What's funny is, because I opened a Paypal dispute to get my money refunded when they refused, I've been banned by their money service (xooma or something similarly stupid). So when I went to use that same Paypal for another game (WarThunder I think) it was blocked. Good thing I have multiple Paypal accounts.
  11. Yep. Good clue. It's also a pretty good movie in my opinion, well worth watching. I recommend it (when it's revealed),
  12. "There's a legend of a man who lives beneath the sea. He's the fisher of men. A last hope, for all those who have been left behind."
  13. I knew where that quote was from but it seemed off. So I rewatched the scene and now I know why. IMDB is wrong on the quote too, I take it that's where you got it. So not green.
  14. Somehow, the most rage-inducing games end up being some that I enjoy the most. Probably because it's just as rewarding when you do well as it is infuriating when you don't. That being said, I tend to just flip my mic up if I feel like I'm getting too ornery. This mutes it so even when I'm cussing up a storm it at least doesn't bother anyone else. Hitting my talk key is such a reflex now that its hard to just not press it. Then I forget about it, and someone dies because I tried to warn them about something with my mic muted.
  15. V for Vendetta of course. Know that quote anywhere. My contribution: Man with a Hat: "Boy, it sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think?"
  16. Kerbal Space Program is on sale, get it while it's hot! Build a space rocket! Land on the Mun! Explode in a fiery crash! Click here to purchase! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5OhFnq_iKw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkDOOsGg-9I
  17. Sounds good to me. Should be around.
  18. Generally between 8PM and 2AM EST on weekends, and a couple of nights during the work week. But I'm usually up for a game whenever someone wants to play it.
  19. Did you seriously just make a Mean Girls Chivalry meme...
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVpPBxTuzco About 2 minutes in he asks Chris Roberts if it will be possible to loan out secondary ships to other players, and Chris says that they are going to try and implement some kind of hiring system, so that you can hire NPCs/other players to fly your ships for you. So in effect you could hire someone to work for you for free to "loan" them a ship. That might be useful for those of us with multiple ships.
  21. Looks pretty epic, definitely a game I'll pick up at release. I'll also probably end up buying it twice, just like I did GTA IV. Once for PS3, and once for PC once it comes out.
  22. Which is why it should actually be fun.
  23. I would at some point like us to get a convoy going with my Starfarer, so we can haul a ton of goods and make lots of money. It's a big target though, and needs to be defended. Or, with both Ty's and my Constellation, we can take on pretty much anyone who doesn't have a decent ship as gunners, and go out exploring/hunting/etc. You guys in the 300 models can provide close support. I'd like to try and replace the P52 puddle jumper in my Constellation with the M50 Interceptor, to act as a scout--seeing as how it's one of the fastest ships available. So would need someone to pilot that as well.
  24. 1. Rear Admiral Package w/ the RSI Constellation 2. ORIGIN 350r 3. ORIGIN M50 Interceptor 4. RSI Aurora LX 5. MISC Starfarer Tanker This game better not suck. I'm such a sucker for Limited Edition goodies.
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