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Posts posted by MH6~SPARTA~

  1. Awesome work MH! Those C-130s do have weight limits in real life though, so dropping a 68 ton M1A1 may not jive. Whatever makes for a good game, though :)


    I see ammo drops, MHQ drops, Humvee drops, and mass troop drops being the norm with this. I can't wait to do an all out airborne assault on a town!


    True, but there aren't any C-17s in-game, so we have to make do with what we got. :P

  2. I really like the idea about the Hercules. I don't know if it it could fly above clouds, but it would be cool to have like 20 guys just run out the back, parachute close to mission. Or could you drive lets say a humv out the back with a parachute rigged to it.


    Yep, it's pretty sweet. I've done some mass para-drops out of a C-130 before (in-game, not real life :P), it's fun.

    I've added the ability to load cargo into the C-130 and airdrop it mid-flight, by the way. Or the cargo can be unloaded on the ground (say if you want to fly something from one airfield to another).


    This gives us a way to realistically transport tanks without exploiting!


    Edit: Pictures! It's fun airdropping vehicles around the map.

    User posted image


    User posted image



  3. The fixes sound awesome MH6, ad thank you for taking the time to improve all of our gaming experience.


    At the risk of highjacking this further... I might have to agree a bit with Morgan it sounds like we have out grown Domination. It seems like we yearn for a more tactical enviroment and not matter how many AI you have on the other side its still AI. I think doing a night of tactical PVP with a domination flavor might be a thing to look at. Something that might be even more interesting if possible would be Domination as it stands now but is it possible to with the AI as opfor while most people are still BLUFOR? If so maybe a 20/10 split would give the BLUFOR more pause before they just rush into a town. (MH6 is this possible? (maybe not as much of a highjack as I thought)) So you can still have your 20 BLUFOR all you tanks and planes... but if you can have 10 opfor who are players mixed in with the normal AI it would neutralize alot of that advantage I believe.


    Well Domination has a built in mode called Two Teams (TT), where instead of AI defending towns the players do. So it's certainly possible. Just need to add some of the regular AI code to the TT code.

  4. there are places, but they are in northern Virginia, just outside of Maryland and DC of which both have horrible gun laws. Northern VA is almost two hours depending on traffic.


    Alright I'll take a look, thanks!

  5. If there was a way to keep everyone out of the C-130 but qualified pilots it could work.


    Could have it setup like the attack aircraft: Have to wait 30min upon joining a server before you can fly it. That rule seems to fend off the impatient pubbers.

  6. Quite the discussion going on in here. :D


    Would anyone be against me adding a few C-130s and UAVs (either armed or not - mostly for recon) to the airfield? I'd also like to see if I can give C-130s the ability to load a vehicle and unload mid-flight so it'd be like a player-operated air drop.

  7. Whatever you do, I think the critical thing is that it doesnt become easier to take the towns. Personally I am not a fan of tanks and aircraft obliterating a town, leaving only the clean up for the foot soldiers.


    If there are aircraft there has to be more anti air (both Shilkas/tanguskas and aa guys), if there is more armour there has to be more anti armour in town. To my mind the key is to always maintain balance and ensure that the air and armour units can only succeed when the soldiers prepared the way.


    but thats just what I think.


    Yeah I agree, but I think everyone is kind of sick of getting nothing but tanks each game. How about keeping the aircraft chance the same (or maybe slightly increased), but instead of having only M1A1/M1A2s below that threshold (75% chance to get a tank!), we can have all ground vehicles. Diversify our force a little bit. Then we set this up for both main and side missions, so we should end up with a nice mix of aerial and ground vehicles, but more of the latter than the former.


    As for the player count, I can look into increasing it.

  8. Good job bud, I think Halli has some thoughts for you, but I will let him tell you.




    I was also thinking that instead of having one type of vehicle come from main missions and another from side missions, why not just have main/side missions both randomly choose from the same list, so we get some more diversity? That way we don't get 12 tanks from side and 8 humvees from main (like it seems now), but might instead get a AV-8B, M1A1, and UH-1Y from main and a LAV-25, AH-1Z, and AAV from side (just as an example). So it's still useful to complete the side missions because there's a chance it'll net you a powerful vehicle, but we also get some good vehicles from main mission. Does that make sense?

  9. I felt like trying to improve the Domination map a little more, such as fixing some annoying bugs and adding some beneficial features. Here's what I have so far:



    1. Two M119s now spawn at base with multiple ammo types (for coordinated spotter-artillery operations during Durka's tactical Friday nights--can remove if necessary)

      Note: They function like choppers, in that they have markers on the map showing their location and will respawn when destroyed

    2. Fixed friendly ammo trucks (so they actually rearm)
    3. Two C-130Js now spawn at base and can be used to transport and airdrop cargo, such as vehicles.
    4. Fixed MLRS so it can be used indirectly
    5. Fixed M119s so they can be towed in Salvage Trucks


    Anyone have any other suggestions?

  10. I had a few hours to kill before class today so I hopped into the ArmA editor and started dicking around. Took some short video of both me in a F35 vs. 4xSu34 and me in a Su34 vs. 4xF35. It's unedited because I have no ruttin' hard drive space. I'd like to make an actual edited video (which would be a lot nicer...) if I can clear some space up though. Didn't even add the music in, it was just playing in the background. :D


    The flight AI isn't very good (even turned up to full), so it wasn't very sporting, but it's kind of silly how easy it is in the Su compared to the F35. For instance, how the R-73s give an insta-kill but the AIM-9's just damage. If the AI didn't bail instantly they could probably still fight. I also had to constantly fight against the stupid auto-rudder so my gunning is pretty horrible.


    Without further ado:

    (Might want to watch it fullscreen on YouTube in HD so you can actually see the enemy planes)

  11. I'm currently trying to find a shooting range near Richmond, VA that rents out AR-15s and other rifles. If anyone knows of one, let me know. I've asked around, but no luck yet.

  12. Email, transatlantic phone calls are not cheap!


    Ah, didn't know BFG was a Euro company. Or are you based in Europe? If so, don't think you get a lifetime warranty. (As Halli mentioned)


    As for the 1Gb 4870...I advise against buying a Sapphire 1Gb 4870. Maybe I just have bad luck, but that's the card I bought for my current system, and it worked for all of two days before it died. I then switched to an Nvidia 280 GTX and haven't had any problems with it.

  13. My 8800 GTS 512 has died after just over a year's use. BFG supposedly have a lifetime warranty but I am finding their support dept pretty much non communicative after an initial request for my card details was responded to. Anyone else had experience with BFG support?


    I don't want to splash out on a replacement card given that this one should be covered by the warranty but I am also fed up of being game-less without a GFX card!


    If you want quality customer service, buy EVGA. Other than that, all I can recommend is that you be persistent. Have you called them, or are you doing this all through e-mail?

  14. Except that when choosing missions no one can see the full name... so we wont know which version has the fix. Better to put the Revive SM Fix at the beginning of the filename.


    I can do that, but it'll need to be re-uploaded.


    Edit: OK changed the name to "co30 DomiA2! SMFix West Revive [1.03]". Filename is the same, though.

    co30 DomiA2! SMFix West Revive [1.03]

  15. Hey MH... just wanted to add my own thanks for the work you are doing...you've been a great asset to our Dom team, and Im glad you found us...:)


    Thanks, you guys run a great server. Reminds me of the SEALZ server, except not a ghost town.


    I'm actually a programmer (almost exclusively game programming, such as for the Nintendo DS), so if ya'll Spartans have any other gripes about the map you want changed I can probably help ya' out.

  16. Good job Just hook up with Zeno or X-wind when you can bud. Xeno has told me after the ArmA patch he will fix Or has already fixed but wants to wait on the next ArmA patch.


    Alright cool. I just tested it and everything seems to work just fine. Ended up removing four side missions so far. I'm sure there are some more bugged missions but I don't remember what they were.

  17. Please let me know of any bugged side missions you encounter. I am removing them from Zeno's revision of Domination 1.03 and will upload the final map when finished. Now of course I can't make the Spartan guys use this map, but I'm hoping they will, as I think everyone is getting sick of the bugged side missions.


    Edit: I've removed all Capture the Flag side missions as well as the Destroy the Artillery piece before they attack Chernogorsk mission. (Which we just got 10min ago and was bugged)

  18. I will check my copy of Dom again but in veteran on my local 'server' I see absolutely no markers at all.


    I just tested it on Expert (highest difficulty setting) and the choppers and MHQs show up. My player marker however, does not. Not sure about revives though.


    Mind I tested it with co30 Domination AI or some such, so maybe it handles difficulty settings a tad differently than Revive does.

  19. Increasing the difficulty will result in crickets chirping on our servers.


    The first time players log in and cant find themselves or anyone else on the map they will bail and find a server they can play the way they are used to. More time would be spent trying to find teammates and, in particular, the revive-able than actually killing anything.


    Where is the MHQ? No one knows. There is no marker. Chopper, fly us to the main objective. Sure, where are you? Dont know.


    Well even in Veteran, the MHQ, choppers, and even people needing a revive all show up on the map. The only things that don't show up are friendly and enemy targets I believe. So it would be harder to stick with your teammates if you don't have line of sight on them. It's also slightly more difficult to determine your own location. I understand, however, that a lot of people don't like veteran, and personally, I'm perfectly happy with any difficulty setting.

  20. Well one thing I've noticed, which of course makes sense, is that towns become substantially easier to take as the player count increases. Trying to take a town with 5-10 people is hard. With 30--it's a bloody cake-walk. The Domination towns are not dynamic; they do not determine what spawns based on the amount of players on the server, so the more players you have, the easier it will get.


    Personally I'd like to see more full-out assaults by the enemy on a massive scale. The roaming convoys are nice but hell one soldier with a SMAW can generally make short work of them. We're fighting Russians, after all. Where are the endless lines of tanks blazing across the open plains? Maybe we'll have some of that in the expansion, since that's what the AH-64D Longbow was made to prevent.

  21. That was sick. Ken Block can drive. Here's another video of him tearing up a course:


    Might want to skip ahead to the one minute mark though.


    I don't watch much Top Gear but I did see this one clip, which was amazing:


  22. sux for me the wrong game came in yesterday so im pretty much screwed..good thing is i got my money back...im still trying though i wont give up getting it


    Why not buy online? You could have the game in an hour or two. That's how I snagged my English copy of ArmA2 two weeks before US release (since the UK and US versions are identical, except for the release dates...).


    I understand though that some people prefer to have a hard-copy of a game.

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