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Everything posted by MH6~SPARTA~

  1. I read Cracked every day. It's a fantastic boredom website.
  2. I suppose, though wouldn't that just hinder normal players? And I generally don't see griefers using satchels. I more often see them using AT weapons.
  3. Damn, bet that was intense. Well, atleast the pilot didn't engage the rockets before touchdown, right? Skip to 1:32 because it repeats a lot of information.
  4. Yeah I'm aware of the problem and I (believe) I have fixed it. The issue is lag (which is why it went unnoticed during my LAN tests), and yes, it has to do with both vehicles occupying the same space at the same time. It also seems to correlate with airspeed, i.e. the faster you're going the higher the chance of catastrophic failure. As a temporary solution, you can substantially decrease this risk by lowering flaps a notch and flying slightly above stall speed when dropping cargo. Yes you can unload vehicles on the ground, and can land at all three airports with ease. There is a slight problem, however. The C-130J cannot liftoff in time to clear the treeline at either of the grass airfields. I found this out the hard way, and it pisses me off because the entire point of these C-130 changes was so that it could land at each airfield and pickup and ferry tanks. So I think what I'll do is give it JATO capability (also known as RATO). And fun fact: Dropping a tank won't always make you explode. It sometimes just damages the plane, pivoting the nose down 45 degrees, and brings your airspeed down to single digits. Good times. Fun fact #2: With my cargo code, you can also do a LAPES drop with the C-130.
  5. Hell I have a PS3 and I only play it once every two months or less. And no way in hell I'm every getting a Xbox. The fact that you have to pay a monthly fee to play online when you already have a cable connection is pretty damn stupid. Just a testament to Microsoft's greed really. I do think however that simulation (FSX,LOMAC,ARMA) and strategy games (Total War series) will continue to be a largely PC-only genre though. They are generally just too complex for a consoles simplified controls and capabilities. But I don't doubt the rest of the games will continue their shift into the console market. It's not just a monetary issue either. Developing for PCs is substantially more difficult than consoles. After all, you have to write code that will work on hundreds of different PCs with various configurations. That's a lot harder than writing software for a specific console with only a few variations in hardware. As such, console games are almost always pretty stable and generally error-free. Not so much for PC games. Hell it took me three days to get Empire: Total War working again (though I'm oh so glad I did. Time to conquer Europe!) And hey, you can always just wait for one of the "indie" games I'm working on to come out: Xenocell Z-Day PC only baby. PC only. P.S.- Sorry to get even more off-topic
  6. Well to be fair I hated it because of the community, not the game itself. Maybe it's better when you play with people you know, because when I played COD4 MP I got fed up with all the "OMG HEADSHOT NOOB LOL"-type players. It reminded me too much of Counterstrike. Not to mention the fact that hackers were rampant. Still, don't think I'll be picking up the next COD game, esp. since it seems the devs are only interested in consoles.
  7. COD Multiplayer sucks anyway, always has. Only reason I play them is for the SP campaigns (which are top-notch)
  8. Since upgrading to the new Nvidia drivers and disabling hyper-threading (for my i7) and PhysX acceleration (for my GTX280), I have gone from crashing five times a day, to a few times per week. I can actually play an entire day with no problems now.
  9. Just an error with the message itself. The message assumes the distance is from the center of town, when in reality it's 1500m away from the edge of town. Fixed now. Will probably have to wait till next revision (0.4)
  10. I think I did, but I don't know how to reproduce the bug, some I'm hoping one of you can test it out for me. Will upload it in a little bit.
  11. Good idea Edit: Done. Added 10 more towns.
  12. My dedicated server is an old Pentium 4 with 2GB RAM, and it hosts games fine--though due to my router, sometimes people can't join.
  13. The house I live in is over a hundred years old. People have died in it (of natural causes, no murders). Never have seen a ghost though. Or experienced any paranormal activity of any kind, for that matter. Do enjoy watching ghost hunters on TV though.
  14. Correction: C:\users\\AppData\Local\Arma2\mpmissionscache if using Vista
  15. C:\users\\AppData\Roaming\Arma2\mpmissions cache I think
  16. Somewhat off topic: I wrote a 64-bit DX10 engine a few months back, and I liked it. The jump from DX9 to DX10 is a bit of a hassle though. Even if you already have an established DX9 engine, you still have to rewrite quite a bit of code. Not to mention the fact that a lot of people still run XP, so no DX10 support, and still have old graphics cards, which also don't support DX10. As time goes on though, DX9 will slowly fade out to be replaced by DX10, and then DX11 after that. Still, DX9 will probably be around until at least either Vista or Windows 7 is the predominant OS in households. As it stands, Windows XP makes up 65% of the market, with Vista coming in at 18% and Windows 7 at 3%. So, if nothing else, we'll be seeing hybrid DX10/DX9 compatible games (à la Crysis) for some years yet. What? The HL2 engine (Source engine), uses DirectX (except for the PS3 version which uses OpenGL ES)
  17. Would like to attend but I leave for class at 2PM. :/ May be able to get home before 5 though, we'll see.
  18. Yeah I've already moved the spawn position for the cargo drops further back, because sometimes, either due to lag or maybe the airspeed of the C-130J, the cargo will collide with the plane when spawned. Mind, I've only fixed it in my own version; it is not yet live on the server.
  19. Haha def. doing that next time. I get really tired of that "Unplug your modem for 15s" bullshit, as I've probably already done it before calling them. What really pisses me off is that I can't get a splitter to work anymore for more than a few days (can't figure out why either), so I can't run the net and the TV simultaneously. Really annoying.
  20. Comcast sucks. I'm switching to FiOS as soon as I can. Should be available here soon.
  21. When reading, keep in mind I've only had the game a day, and some opinions may change over time. I'm talking about having enemy AI that is about as accurate as the player (no headshots from 600m with a pistol, for instance), and actually being able to fight inside buildings. Engagements are generally at closer ranges overall too. You can actually do some damage with iron sights (as opposed to in ArmA2, where you sit twiddling your thumbs while your team, outfitted with DMRs and M107s, cleanses the town from afar). The vegetation and grass look nice, but I'm not sure how they affect the AI's detection. The controls are a bit wonky though; you can tell it is a console port (no matter what the devs say otherwise). Vehicle combat on the other hand leaves a lot to be desired. Especially due to the fact that joysticks are not supported at this point in time. As I've only played with 4-man squads, I'm not sure how the large-scale battles are. Guess we'll find out when they get around to releasing a dedicated server. I could see it being pretty fun though. Now, if Codemasters and BIS teamed up, they could probably combine both OFP and ArmA and make one kick ass game. Alas...
  22. OF:DR is a fun game. I will not, however, be giving up ArmA2 over it. I do prefer OF:DR's infantry combat over ArmA2's, however.
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