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Everything posted by MH6~SPARTA~

  1. Damn that does look good. They certainly "borrowed" some elements from CoD. I just hope the game is more like BF2 and less like Battlefield: Bad Company 1. (The former actually being fun, and the latter being a crappy console shooter) Ah...that's a tad disappointing. Sounds like it will be console-ized methinks.
  2. Littlebird with seats = Me Edit: It should only be on the private server though. Public servers shouldn't require mandatory addons.
  3. I agree. I am quite awesome.
  4. I didn't even know it was called "All Along The Watchtower". Also, as far as country songs go, this one is pretty good.
  5. Nice, thanks for the link. I've always liked that song but never knew the name/artist.
  6. I like all genres (even rap, so long as it's good), but I tend to listen more to rock than anything. Some of the songs/bands I've been listening to a lot recently are: Shinedown (Sound of Madness, Second Chance, If You Only Knew) Muse (New Born, Hysteria, Uprising) Kings of Leon (Use Somebody, Notion) Metallica, Apocalyptica, and Disturbed I agree with. Edit: Oh, and what I listen to when flying: Especially when flying the A-10 Thunderbolt II (AKA "Warthog")
  7. You really should try out some of the Total War games, Durka. You'd probably like them. Napoleon: Total War comes out this January, and centers around the Napoleonic Era (obviously) but they also have Rome: Total War, Medieval 2:Total War, and Empire: Total War (1700-1800s)
  8. Oh wow, didn't even see that bit. Will definitely put this in my next map.
  9. Also, the server hasn't been running my Sparta Domination for a week or two now, so don't blame me for things getting out of control. :/
  10. I kept my comments to myself last time a picture of this chick was posted, but now it must be said. That girl has no ass. Anyway, happy b-day Durka!
  11. Try adding TR4 setAmmoCargo 1; TR5 setAmmoCargo 1; before the final line: if (true) exitWith {}; in file x_scripts\x_setupplayer.sqf This is assuming the two ammo trucks are still named TR4 and TR5. Bit of a hack, but it works.
  12. My site is now up! Stingray Games BizSpark here I come
  13. Nice vid, though not a big fan of the song.
  14. Yeah if you have the RAM to spare, a RAM disk is definitely the way to go for ArmA. I also have an eVGA X58 SLI board, and I love it...though I hate the fact that I can't overclock my i7 920 whatsoever (I think I got a bad batch, but am too lazy to return it)
  15. Let me tell you man, nothing beats T3D for its price range. Unity is good, but no source code sucks big time if you want to do anything even remotely unique. Just my 2ยข Edit: I'm making a "company" logo. Nothing great, but here's what it looks like so far (not done yet) Make sure you click it to see good version
  16. I recently learned about a program Microsoft is running, called BizSpark. This program is for any person or company that is developing a software-based product or service. All you really need is a website. What's so great about it? The fact that with BizSpark, you can download thousands of dollars of software for free, legally. The subscription itself costs $100, but doesn't need to be paid until the subscription expires...in three years. I believe various Windows operating systems are also included in the deal but I'm not entirely sure. You can read more about it here. You can apply here. I'm currently putting together my "company" website for my BizSpark application. And yes, I will be releasing a legitimate product--at the moment I'm writing up a quick 3D version of Risk, which will resemble the campaign map for Empire: Total War (picture), albeit without all the fancy extras. Of course, it's only quick because I'm using the very awesome game engine Torque3D. Anyway, just giving ya'll a heads-up. Figured some of you might be interested, 'cause I know I am.
  17. I have a similar system to Skele, except only one graphics card, which is a GTX 280. My FPS ranges from 30-60 depending on location. (5000 VD)
  18. Yep, faster boot times are nice, but $3.18 per Gigabyte compared to $0.09pGB is no contest. I can wait 30 extra seconds if it saves me a couple hundred bucks.
  19. I still don't consider SSDs to be worth buying yet. Maybe in a few years...
  20. Good work, but don't bother waiting for my map update. Just keep at it. My map update will be a complete overhaul anyway; I'll be getting rid of a lot of the fluff code for features no one really uses, and hopefully keeping the map simple and streamlined in the process. This will be a complete rewrite using Domination 1.12 as a base--so it probably won't be out for a while yet. Had a blast dog-fighting SUs last night though.
  21. You can save multiplayer games, but you have to be careful with serialization. Not everything supports it. I know there are quite a few scripts in Domination that don't. See here.
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