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Everything posted by MH6~SPARTA~

  1. Now those "no way!" deaths make so much more sense.
  2. Thanks guys. And now a birthday gift, from me to you. Mmmmm....
  3. Thanks for the heads up! Downloading now.
  4. Yep. Same way the full size version works in the movie. I love the fact that robots in movies now are actually fully functioning robots, even if they don't have the intelligence they exhibit in the movie. Props to them for not going the CGI route. I would love to take one of these BB-8 droids and mod it. Add more sensors, write software/AI for it, etc. It's a neat little device. Here's the full scale movie prop version:
  5. I think we are living in the future gents. I kind of want one...
  6. Probably just asteroids/debris/dust/etc. However, I love the fact that SETI is making the effort to listen to this system on the off chance they can gleam some more information from it. Anything that can increase public interest in space is a good thing, and who knows--maybe it will result in increased funding for programs like SETI.
  7. Knew what it was before I opened the thread. It's an awesome ride, saw the video a couple weeks ago. Props to him for choosing such an awesome car. If I had obscene amounts of money, I'd love to build a car like this. Along with a good ol' gas guzzling V8 version as well.
  8. I played some more after taking a break last night. It was a lot more fun the second time around. Mainly because by then I unlocked the Rank 5 machine gun (which is waaaay better than the crappy starter weapons), and I got more accustomed to their abysmal vehicle spawn system. I do enjoy the aerial combat though.
  9. I'm a bit disappointed to be honest. It isn't a very fun game. Maybe it will get better after release once it gets a few more game modes.
  10. You just sign in to your Origin account and download the Beta as far as I know. That's what I did.
  11. Everyone make sure you login to Origin and start pre-loading the Star Wars Battlefront beta. It launches tomorrow at 1:00PM (not sure if EST or PST). Looks pretty good, hopefully will live up to the hype.
  12. Windows 8 was shit, Windows 10 is shit. They basically rewrote the whole O/S with Windows 8, and it shows (basic functionality either didn't work or worked poorly--I'm looking at you File Exporer & Network Shares!). They have yet to work all the kinks out. I'm going to steer clear for at least one more release, or possibly until Windows 10 has been patched like crazy. They took a step in the right direction, but it still isn't a stable release.
  13. Yeah I've been following the EM Drive closely lately, really exciting stuff. Here's to hoping it pans out.
  14. For anyone interested, I've modded my GTAV to support both an Xbox 360 controller as well as a joystick. GTAV can't actually support more than one controller at a time, but the mod I wrote creates an emulated controller and maps that controller to the actual physical devices behind the scenes. So I can drive with my gamepad, then jump into a helicopter and fly with my joystick. It's pretty great, as I can't stand flying with anything other than a joystick.
  15. On a somewhat related note, the only time I've heard a video card making a whining noise is when it is processing an absurd number of frames per second. I.e. on game menus, where the FPS can jump into the thousands. In which case turning V-Sync on eliminates the whine noise because it caps the FPS to a more normal 60/120/etc. Just a little tidbit in case anyone experiences such a noise in the future--try turning V-Sync on. There are other things that may cause the whining noise, but that seems to be the most common cause.
  16. I'm very tempted to buy a GTX 980 to replace my aging GTX 580, but I keep holding out in hopes that they'll actually release an 8GB variant or the 6GB GTX 980 Ti within the next few months. But they probably won't.
  17. Your 7870 is probably pretty close to my GTX 580, and my 580 runs GTAV perfectly fine with high settings. RAM should be good, CPU is a quad-core so that should be OK as well. I think you'll be fine. We are having a blast with GTA V by the way.
  18. Same here. Was worried my good ol' GTX 580 would have a hard time but it performs splendidly. Heists are insanely fun.
  19. Yeah I think the last 5Gb or so still needs to be downloaded as it was not preloaded. Edit: Nevermind. Mine is unpacking now, didn't download anything extra.
  20. Game unlocks at 7PM EST tonight! Can't wait! We need to all team up, black out our cars (matte black paint, tinted windows, black rims) and drive around with our headlights off at night. Then mess with people. By the way, do we have a LOSC crew already? If not, I did make one back in '13 when I was playing on the PS3. http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/legion_of_sparta
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