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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. Morgan

    Ready to go

    D2d is still showing the 26th as release date. Is everyone off playing on other servers? is that where everyone has been? TS is so quiet lately.
  2. I thought this was fairly brilliant... havent seen anyone do this in Arma 1 yet so thought I would pass it along: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73693 Kewl trick.
  3. Nice article about this here: http://www.caveofdistraction.com/2009/06/2...-through-grass/ Woot.
  4. I sure hope they nail the design down... the GUI needs to be simple and easy to use. WoW really nailed their gui design. Everyone from grandmas to hardcore gamers can find their own style within the WoW system. I would love to play a Star Trek mmo....I pray they put some time into their characters. (The new Star Wars mmo looks promising!) EDIT: Zipped over to the official site and downloaded the official gameplay trailer. Looks pretty damned good...lot of the planet side environments were a bit WoW-ish looking and the spaceshots were not too bad at all. Not a lot of character shots in the trailer but it did look pretty decent.
  5. Direct2drive has ArmA2 (in pre-order at the moment) slated to go on sale...just letting everyone knowit will be available via purchase and download there. Also, they have posted minimum sys req's for the NA version: ARMA 2 Minimum System Requirements * CPU: Dual Core (Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz, Intel * Core 2.0 GHz, AMD Athlon 3200+ or faster) * RAM: 1 GB * GPU (Nvidia Geforce 7800 / ATI Radeon 1800 or faster) with Shader Model 3 and 256 MB VRAM * OS: Windows XP * HDD: 10 GB free space
  6. Morgan

    ArmA 2 faces

    Wow... thats what I was hoping for Zebb... got kinda attached to my Batman face, so being able to use it in ArmA2 will be awesome. Great tips being posted here in the forums...thanks guys!
  7. Morgan

    ArmA 2 faces

    Canada...dont have it yet, planning ahead.
  8. Morgan

    ArmA 2 faces

    Is there a source for ArmA2 faces around? I like having a face people can recognize...
  9. Hello and all the best of the day to the Dads out there. Bit of a shameless plug here, but one of my longest running projects is a little e-card site I've had around for 10 or 11 years. http://4-evercards.com Guaranteed virus/trojan/malware free, registering will never get you on a spam list, and all the cards are free and are provided with no advertising at all...no popups, no banners, no badges, no google ads. All the cards are family-friendly and the site was built for all ages. If you are stuck for a Fathers Day card, we are happy to help out if we can... Happy Dads Day!
  10. And here I thought you were giving us a guide to arma for dyslexics....doh...
  11. Morgan

    Ready to go

    Great tip Dai...My monitor will do the same thing when the time comes, thanks for the workaround.
  12. Morgan

    Ready to go

    Should be picking mine up next friday...
  13. ArmA2 OFFICIAL Demo Thread - Update 18/06/09 - 22:00 Demo will be released next week, I expect monday or tuesday. We are now testing it, as we cut a lot of data and landscape it's quite difficult to not forget anything. Size will be around 2 GB.
  14. Hehehe.. Ath, paying monthly for a game is not so bad. World of Warcraft, for example, is 15 bucks a month. Works out to 50 cents a day for unlimited access...about 2 cents an hour for all the fun you can stand and then some with several thousand other players. Maintenance is handled by the company, all you have to do is show up. It was a better deal than the 800.00 a month I paid for my clans old servers and websites to play GR/Joint Ops/BF1942 with 30 other players, plus I had to do dozens of hours of upkeep and maintenance on the servers and websites each month. So, while you may not always be paying to play, someone out there is...
  15. haha..nice Cob.. didnt know about the fire but its nice to see ya got through it all with humour intact.
  16. Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuu You look like a million... But yer only 52! (Well, okay...50...but 52 rhymed... Have a super amazing bday bud...(assuming this is your actual bday and not a fake bday which youve been known to do...;-) hahahaah
  17. Morgan

    Car washing

    Slap a .50 on that and call it a day...
  18. So he says to me "10 bucks says you cant stick your tongue in that socket"... hey, 10 bucks is 10 bucks, eh.
  19. Happy Bday ya bean poppin' old bastage.....;-)
  20. That makes sense... just hate to toss 40 or 50 bucks at a game and then discover no one is going to play it anymore because the overhead for another game means that a game goes into 'by request' mode only. I tend to play at odd hours due to my timezone and night owl-ish nature so very often there is no one else around to 'request' or 'setup' a game. Well, I guess we will see how it all rolls out... Lookin forward to both ArmA2 and OFP2... should be an interesting and fun few months ahead...
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