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Everything posted by Zeno~SPARTA~

  1. Zeno~SPARTA~


    Security at Everus Harbour.
  2. Lol I watched a video about this yesterday and was going to tell you today. if only boxes worked!
  3. XM-250 612D15B9BCA62E3A Dependencies Supressors 5AB301290317994A RIS Laser Attachments 5ABD0CB57F7E9EB1 Task Force Mattock Weapons 5B3ED33ADA805340 Munitions by Denim Dan 610E18764B9D98B0
  4. The Sparta Training Server Here you can practice your Air to Ground, Air to Air and Aerial refuelling activities. All Aircraft have unlimited Ammunition and fuel with the exception of the aircraft practicing air to air refuelling which have 30% internal fuel and no weapons. Ground Attack (GA) aircraft have Armour and SAM sites they can spawn and despawn. Buildings at waypoints 2,3,4 and 5, cannot be respawned at this time but there is an option to reload the mission from the F10 radio menu. A JTAC can be activated from the F10 radio menu to designate the armour, it can also be deactivated. BVR and ACM can be practiced by selecting the BVR aircraft and entering the BVR/ACM Red Circle north west of Cypress. When any Bluefor Plane enters the circle Redfor planes will randomly enter the circle from the North West. There are 10 different Redfor Aircraft types that will Spawn. They will come in pairs and apart from the transports are armed with long and short range missiles. Bluefor planes are also equipped Aim 9s, Aim 120s and in the case of the F14 Aim 54 missiles. There is also an AWACS Finally, you can practice take off and landing on an Aircraft Carrier (Stennis and Tarawa) in F14s, F18s and Harriers. Stennis ICLS 1 Tacan 15x Tarawa ICLS 2 Tacan 16x
  5. As you may know I have been messing about with a very simplified version of foothold. I have done this to reinforce my understanding of the games capabilities without using too much scripting. There are no economy or supplies requirements. We will start in Normandy (near the site of the D day landings) at St Pierre du Mont. We will have access to all western flyable aircraft of the era. Our first objective will be Carpiquet. Once the 2 Axis buildings and all the ground forces have been destroyed the zone will become allied and we will have access to planes there. Defence forces will also spawn. The same will be true for Evreux. From Evreux we will attack Orly, thus liberating Paris Tourism For those of you wanting to tool around in the planes getting used to them I have set up a base at Gravesend with the prefix [UK]. Every plane from that era is available here (allied and Axis. Upon take off the Thames will be in front of you, turn left and follow the river to get to London. Fog of war is on. St Pierre has radar as do the axis forces in each target area. Available on F10 Radio menu A recon TF51 can be repeatedly called for each target area. I advise against recon until you are ready to attack that area, as any incursion will trigger a response. A quick reaction flight is on station and available for the defence of St Pierre only but can be called upon repeatedly. These are slow aircraft so distance is more of a factor. Carpiquet is 23nm from St Pierre Evreux is 65nm from Carpiquet Orly is 49nm from Evreux This is a work in progress and hopefully a stepping stone for me to get into the zone commander script used in Foothold and Pretense.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhLQNuxRqJQ&t=266s&pp=ygUEZGNzIA%3D%3D
  7. The Insane Engineering of the F-16 - YouTube
  8. Here is my first attempt at building the APC in Space Engineers. It's too wide and too low, but I can fix that at this point I wanted to see if I could get anywhere near the shape.
  9. Good to go at Baijini point, ships and gear transferred and regeneration point set.
  10. Well that didn't last long. On next login the play button was missing, I tried ctrl, alt, shift r, but that did not work. I deleted the user file but the the game would not launch. I am currently verifying the integrity, hopefully that will work, If not I will wait for next patch. PS its redownloading 14gb so I will look at this again tomorrow.
  11. I have updated the game and flew out to Baijini Point. I started with 200,000 UEC and of course my Aurora and Pisces. Mysteriously I also have a Drake Corsair which I flew to Baijini. I bought some Armour and a weapon at Area 18 but forgot to bring it, so I need to go back.
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