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Everything posted by ECHO

  1. I saw some information on this a ways back, and it looked interesting, but to be honest if I bought every game that looked interesting I would have even more games added to my "bought but don't play due to other games" collection. It does look interesting though.
  2. Those campaign screenshots look badass. Enough to make me get back into it after my measly 2-3 hours the day or two after I bought it. Plus doing some campaign first would (in theory) make me suck less when I actually play more multiplayer. I look forward to that, in any case.
  3. At least some of the names get right to the point! This makes me wonder how bad the Chinese have it when things are translated into "their" language, rather than the other way around.
  4. Bit of a late post but that's something I actually only looked into myself. The oculus I already knew about but that running thing is pretty cool too. That being said, I would probably have to get in shape just to be able to use that for my hours-long gaming sessions. Which is not so much a con (need to get in shape anyway), but is still a point to make. Edit: I'd probably be fine without the simulated hits by bullets and such, though it still sounds pretty awesome.
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