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Everything posted by usthomsen~SPARTA~

  1. i cant promise anything but i will get the game some time next week and hopefully find the time for some fun gaming again. At the time though i am running an old graphics card that won´t run the game.
  2. Watch out Dougie Lampkin, we have a contender lol! Looks like lot of fun. Love to try it .Those machines dosn´t look like much but they don´t come cheap
  3. Happy birthday John It´s almost over i know! but i still hope that u will enjoy the rest of the day
  4. I have owned several gaming mice over the last couple of years and my newest one ....Belive it or not is the Razer Boomslang CE. Yes a mouse that technologically is way behind the rest of the field (from 2007). Still its one of the best iv´e had so far. The shape is different from the rest but it seems to suit my hand and the 1800 DPI is realy good as an allround setting both precision and travel. Bought it for only 25 bucks on sale. I think it retails at around 50 bucks
  5. Happy birthday to the both of you. Have a beer on me!
  6. I second what Andrewman and Durka says. Right now i am considering going there as part as the international policeforce in Afghanistan. Off curse we recieve aditional military training and we don´t move an inch without personal military protection and we get equipped with personal defence weapons so it´s a little different but still. With a wife and kid i wouldn´t even consider it if it was remotely dangerous for me. I do have faith in what i have heard from eople going htere before me. There a daily intelligence updates in these areas and if they know of any attacks or hostillity in the area you just don´t go to work that day. Simple as that! Off curse u hear about kidnappings ect but it only happen to people that don´t follow the simple rules and move beoynd the secure areas. As a civil contractor u will be so well protected and its probably more save than crossing the street in your home town. If i were u i would really consider the offer. It´s a opertunity to do something good in this world and u will remember it for the rest of your life
  7. Its a Mirage 5. Just to be a pain in the butt and having to correct every one ;-) Yes its a great video and i love everyhing that has to do with fighter planes It was a childhood dream to become a fighter pilot but to be acceptet u need perfect eyesight without correction so when i started using glasses at the age of 17 my dream fell apart and i became a cop instead. Sad story !
  8. That ain´t a eurofighter. Looks more like a Mirage and there is also a couple of shots from a trainer airplane. Eurofighter is a deltawing twin engine airplane with stabeliser fins and a square double intake right under the cockpit
  9. Hey snowy I have been thinking about you almost everyday now since you "left" and wondering what you were up to. Are the cats still alive and well? Have a good time around and good luck getting to know all the new people around here
  10. Happy birthday from the mighty kingdom of Denmark ít certanly looked like u had a great day.
  11. THX People It wasn´t anything special though went to work at 3pm and got home around midnight. Love the tradition with the girls. Best wishes Ulrik
  12. They basically took the 8800 and put an new sticker on it saying 250. They just made some refinement to it and that was it. I bet it will burn out in excactly 2 years like all the other 8800 cards
  13. Hmmm is it me or was he really trying hard to get this guy to come to his suit? He sounded almost just like me on a desperate night out
  14. Im up for it too. No restrictions. Everything goes. GAME ON!!
  15. Dunno if it really is your birthday today but what the heck!!! Happy birth day Mr Halliburton. This place wouldn´t be same without u. You are the strawberry in the jam ;-) Have a good day
  16. After a while u get used to women falling from the sky. The last time she hit my greenhouse and broke 4 sheeds of glas. Fleggaard need to come up with something new to get money
  17. I feel with you! When i startet on the game it had already been out almost 2 weeks so everyone else were killing me of as easy as. The first couple of days it was really frustrating cos u cannot hit or kill anything. But as soon as you start to progress u aiming will get better and thereby inflict more damage. U can probably emptyt a whole clip into the enemy at point blank and still not kill him. Well thats how the game works. You are a rookie in game and thereby it makes u hit absolutely nothing. When i shoot at a tank with the RPG it usually take 3 rockets to kill it. I never hit it at the front and always on tracks or the turret but i try to hit it on the back were a tank is usually most wounerable.
  18. Screw u. How come u never mention my name when ever u wanna thank people? I WAS THERE TOO!!!! Even Mr mouth-diaria-Halo gets a thank you
  19. Maybe this is what i have been looking for after all. Seing Floyd buying the game and John amongst the top players on the leaderboard. Anyway i am of to the shop today and ready by tonight.
  20. Buying Splinter cell for Xbox. Haha ones again they killed of an epic series for pc. GRAW
  21. Happy F*=?¤¤#ng Birthday Mark Probably already pissed by now Baconboy!
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