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Everything posted by evilducky

  1. I may have lost my M16 with an acog tonight, but I gained a rocket launcher! >=) This shall be fun >=)
  2. Mee too! LOL! I got that crappy smg as well! With the way things are going though I'm due for the valient this time around >=)
  3. Here ya go Batwing! Time for a second try at that gold extraction! *Ill be around more this weekend and we can try and get it done. http://blog.bioware.com/2012/05/09/operation-silencer/ This one might be a bit challenging and fun. 3 million Banchees! Fun Fun! Ducky
  4. LOL! Knew this would happen sooner or later. Good luck Rocket and MH6 on getting this one fixed.
  5. When do you guys play? I would like to come try and play with you guy Im usually on one of the NY servers during the day (I live in NY state so you can get an idea for time wise).
  6. Well that sucked. I got into a server after I posted that and spawned right next to 3 bandits.. let's just say I didn't live very long there goes a whole days of work down the drain.
  7. wow.. I just starting getting a weird problem. It's getting stuck loading at the same spot. I dont even get to the black screen still. Its getting stuck on the bar loading part.
  8. Those issues really depends on how many people are in the server at the time and where they are from. If you have 49 people of 50 *you making 50*, it will take some time cause its trying to set everything up and get everything synced.
  9. so you have or will have a server up with this running?
  10. This mod is actually really fun when you can get in and the server stays up! lol
  11. I did not know that this would be using the Cry engine 2.0. This is gonna be interesting!
  12. I didn't think this had a MP... I actually play around with this every now and then. It's really fun
  13. 2 Free DLC's from them? They are on a roll! LOL! They can keep this up all day if they want =P
  14. Well for those interested (Probably just batwing =P), Bioware will be releasing a free DLC this Tuesday for the Mass Effect 3 MP. It includes new guns, new characters and 2 new maps Its gonna be awesome! You can watch the trailer here for it Enjoy! Ducky
  15. http://social.bioware.com/forums/forum/1/topic/343/index/10731425 There ya go Batwing. Looks like more free weapons coming Hopefully we can get another N7 weapon.
  16. I have 4 characters at level 20 and the other 2 are almost there. The funny thing is, the Vangaurd that I have, I have yet to even touch as a class and its already at a level 14... hahaha Love "random" F you over packs =P
  17. Well looks like Ill be back to bronze again for awhile... hahahaha Promoting a character sucks! lol
  18. Meh... Not as good as the last one, but I'm in ahaha Although, this part really catches my eye "You’ll want to be leveled up for next weekend’s event…" >
  19. That looks pretty cool! Ill def. be getting that when it comes out. I loved Simcity!
  20. Here you go. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYFLhADYd3k (for anno 2070) I have this game and I love it. We can actually play together and build cities together if you want. I could walk ya through a few things. Watch that video too. It will help.
  21. Hopefully its as good or better than Hawx. I really enjoy these types of games sometimes. I saw this at gamestop a couple of months ago, but it was only out for 360 and PS3. I might have to look into it now that its out for PC
  22. Nice Glad you enjoyed it and made this video. The code on that one slip of paper is for the DLC that came with it. Also, you get the sound track with it. Its a download only though but I can live with it. It's 25 songs, so that's nice.
  23. Well, the launch trailer is here. If you weren't excited before with Batwings trailer, than this should put you right on the edge or over. This is amazing and I'm even more stoked for this game than ever It's going to be fun!
  24. I gotta admit, over the years, 3rd person has really grown on me. With these game companies each and almost every time releasing these FPS games with really bad 1st person models *ejection ports on the wrong side of the gun, small gun models, annoying head bob and more* I have been actually enjoying playing in 3rd person. I'm actually OK with the new GR being in 3rd person. I like watching the animations work and seeing everything around me. I dont think with all those interesting animations they have added into this game, that 1st person would be very comfortable. I think motion sickness would be a problem for most and they would all complain. Maybe having the option to play in 1st person would be nice, but I really dont see a need for it anymore. I do miss the FPS feel though
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