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Everything posted by DaiSan

  1. Remember, we're on BST in the UK at the moment so that's 22:00 on Saturday here.
  2. Depends on your target audience mate. If it's ArmA specific then obviously having that in the domain name will help with searches. If your looking at broadening your horizons to multiple games then a generic term like tier-one is good.
  3. I know you are mate, but on 123, Australia & NZ are grouped together abd. nz are the only web addresses listed.
  4. Well these are available too. arma-co-op.com - Available arma-co-op.co.uk - Available arma-co-op.co.nz - Available
  5. Looks great mate but when you thinking of trying it?
  6. armacoop.co.nz - Available armacoop.co.uk - Available arma-coop.com - Available arma-coop.co.uk - available arma-coop.co.nz - Available Need I go on?
  7. Many Happy Returns mate. I'll post ya a nice pic when I get home.
  8. One of the rare blogs worth reading and absolutely correct.
  9. Moved into the new house and awaiting broadband (11th). Then i'm good to go.
  10. Always nice when old friends return, welcome home mate.
  11. So WHO has actually purchased the 'Founders' pack?
  12. Yeah, tempted by this Zeno... very tempted!
  13. I have to say, LA NOIRE is the most value for Money game I have bought in years. It was £4.99 on sale so I bought a copy, I was so impressed I then bought a copy for the wife even though it was £12.99 by then.
  14. Many Happy Returns mate, I have a special pack of LRM20 Party Poppers just waiting for you bud
  15. There's still 28hrs to go till it's over mate and tbh don't discount it yet. Takedown was only at about 10% right up till the last hour then like an Ebay auction it went mad in the last 10mins.
  16. Something in Ace conflicts with TeamHud and causes it to flash, same thing happens with Digital Compass sometimes too.
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