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Posts posted by Sarrok

  1. IDk man been playing all day today and got the shit scared out of me a few time this game looks pretty damn good and my graphics is cranked up to the max don't rate the game from the videos on youtube or any other site they are crap.


    It has more to do with Sega/Gearbox legally pulling a bait and switch with fans. Show awesome 2012 Dirtectx 11 gameplay demo of A:CM, with awesome cutscenes, all the graphic bells and whistles of an high-end pc, .......only to ship out an snoozefest that strips graphics to console grade, various cutscenes from the final version, adds horrendous AI, and instead of a great single player narrative, we get mindless twitch gameplay like CoD.

  2. Don't know how anyone can let Gearbox/SEGA get away with this. It's like two different games! And the ridiculous bugs and and day 2 patch just proves Gearbox and or SEGA needs new talent/leadership or should just close up shop. A:CM is NOT the aliens game the franchise deserves imo.


    length 6:48 and compares the gameplay demo from 2012 and the final version.


    Did Gearbox mislead customers by showing alot of content in a 2012 demo that got taken out for the final? Legally I don't know, but their reputation is at best tarnished, worst destroyed. I dont care if they said most of it was outsourced, they knew it was a bad game and thanks to the publisher, it got launched anyways. It's things like this that kill reputations and revenue.




    (I forgot how to post videos correctly here so I just have a link, not the same video as MH-6)

  3. Here's a page of Chris Roberts writing about his vision for Star Citizen (space sim), and I have to give him credit for thinking outside the box on this one.




    This is also why I love crowd-funding, which allows us backers a great view into the game developing world.



    Here's an PCGamer article with a couple screenshots.



  4. Currently at 3.72 million in funds.


    3 days left.


    At 4 million, we get professional mod tools, just imagine how many Star Trek/Star Wars/Babylon 5/ect mods will be created lol (private servers only I believe).


    New info!


    IGN article: http://www.ign.com/a...7dce49636000023


    17 page "brochure" for Constellation class cruiser (think Millennium Falcon with bonus short range fighter): http://www.ign.com/i...ellation-images





  5. Long read but lots of info about the game. All answers by Chris Roberts.


    From today's Kickstarter comment section (22/10/12).



    Rear Admiral MT ---backed twice---

    @chris when will the "monday" update be completed on the RSI site - with more options?


    CR: The web guys have made good progress and have almost got everything working, but as we don't want

    to risk blowing everything up we're going to do some soft testing tonight and hopefully feel comfortable in turning

    on the upgrade feature at some point tomorrow. In addition some of the re-engineering we had to do for the

    upgrades will allow us to have digital "add-on" packages, so over the next few days we'll roll out some

    additional pledges that can be added to an existing package, which quite a few people have been asking

    for,So ship overview tomorrow (fingers crossed).

    Erwin Mulder

    HI Chris, is there any word on when you guys are gonna publish more details/concept art on the ships from the pledge rewards?


    CR: You're a hungry lot! :-) A overview of the ships along with a description of how the hard points, upgrade slots and engine components will be as soon as the upgrade feature is working, which I hope will be tomorrow (see previous answer)


    Concept art is in progress and I hope to share some very cool stuff with you over the coming weeks. But please remember one of the reasons we started this process was to unlock the funding to finish the game - which includes the concept art you're talking about. As it's pretty obvious we're going to hit the minimum (and go quite a ways beyond) we've started on a bunch of this early so we can share stuff with all the backers. But designing stuff to this level of fidelity takes a bit of time as you have to consider the engineering aspect as well as the aesthetic one.




    Chris! You've talked about how ships will have several hundred moving/separate parts which will be affected different when damaged such as parts perhaps flying off. How might repairing ships work? Will it be a simple "Repair your ship for 1485 credits" button, or will we be able to perhaps buy 'scrap metal parts' from merchants and repair our own ships in first person view, or even in the middle of space combat?


    CR - I haven't full designed this part out, but you should be able to have repair droids and on bigger ships it would be cool to be able to fix smoking parts in FP mode (think fixing up a vehicle in BF3, but with more detail / animation). Be great if one of your friends was trying to mend the flux capacitor while you held off the pirates with the turret guns! -Hell yeah


    From the Reddit AMA.




    Hi and welcome to Reddit


    First of all I want to thank you for one the best gaming moments I had as a kid.


    My parents bought me Wing Commander III and I kept playing it for nearly 3 years straight. It was one of the rare games that I wanted to try over and over again back in the 90's. It made me feel like I was meant to be a star-pilot.


    I have some questions about Star Citizen:


    • Will there be space-ships that will be monumental ie. Death Star that will require many fighters and other big ships to take out?
    • Damage control: I've always loved the fact that a laser or a missile can rip parts out of your ship. How damage will be inflicted on ships?
    • Shield control: Will there be a possibility to control shields and power them to the area you want?

    I can't explain how I felt like an 8 year old kid again when you announced Star Citizen. I had to pledge as soon as I had the chance


    Thank you so much for doing this AMA =)


    Hi SendoTarget! Glad you like WC3!!! :-)


    • Yes - not sure about the "Death Star" but certainly huge capital ships like the Carrier in the prototype demo
    • SC is designed to have a level of detail on individual ships like not other space game done to date - each fighter has something like 100-300 parts, most of which that have individual damaged versions and can break off. Its also not just visual, losing or damaging parts affects how you fly, what systems work and so on.
    • Yes. You will be able to increase or drop power to your shields depending on where you need to place your ships power output (i.e. in case you want to juice your ability maneuver or need to replenish our guns)
      Economy... the #1 problem of any MMO game
      I've been playing PC games & MMO for 20+ years, seen it all, been there done that, yet only few MMO games have ever tried to address this issue.
      What game mechanics will be in place to prevent Players from ruining the economy?
      Most MMO game with an in-game currency / economy will eventually inflate to exorbitant levels if you let the players do as they please when selling/trading in game items; for example a top of the line sword with good "upgrades" & stats selling for 6 billion in game currency, while the actual NPC price tag if you buy it in the store is no more than say 200,000.
      My vision would be to have NPC controlled sales of used weapons, ships and ship parts, with a SYSTEM set maximum cap price per item, so you can always sell lower, but you can't go over board to exploit the system.
      Hackers/cheaters always uses this exploit to sell stuff from account A to account B and make tons of money; even if we do assume some one is able to come up with 6 billion legitimately in game, and buys whatever item, then this will automatically encourage all sellers to jack up the prices to exorbitant levels, and cause an unmanageable inflation in game.
      or make it even more simpler, no Player to Player trades, just Buy and sell back to NPC, like you'd in the single player game (Freelancer style)
      CR: Players will have the ability to trade amongst themselves and their will be supply and demand on goods.
      I think most MMOs have failed int he past because they only simulate PART of an economy and so you have no "drain" from the money supply like you do in the real world. In SC you will have to pay landing tariffs, you'll have running costs and will have to pay taxes on the goods you sell (in the more civilized parts of the universe). These taxes pay for the infrastructure and law and order (just like int he real world)
      By properly simulating who a real economy operates (as there is always a cost to services but almost no one models that) the hope is to avoid some of the issues that you've seen in other MMOs.
      One caveat. This is my theory - we've yet to test it out yet :-)

      Hi Mr Roberts! I'm curious about the levels of visual customization for the player ships/avatars in Star Citizen. Games that let me be creative, really amp up the immersion for me. Thanks for doing the AMA and good luck with SC!
      CR: There will be a high degree of customization n to your ship and you'll also be able to skin it with decals and the like
  6. Here's a link to the unofficial FAQ.


    This document is a compilation of replies from various developers in the Star Citizen team (Ben Lesnick, VG, Chris Roberts, RSI Facebook group), in response to our questions.




    This one blew me away.....




    Please say we can pilot carriers like in the demo!!




    Chris Roberts:


    "So the game is set up so you can crew capital ships- even ones as big as the carrier that you saw in the demo - they all have a "captains" chair and can have various stations that you can sit down to do things - fire control, target selection etc. Turrets are also mannable. There will definitely be a use of this in Squadron 42 and well as the full persistent open world.


    We haven't made the decision on how big a capital ship a player or group of players can earn / control in the open world. But there will definitely be bigger ships you can buy / capture and fly with your friends. The Constellation will be good for 3-4 players and will have up to two manned turrets (not from the start, you'll have to upgrade to this) and a short range fighter in it's belly hangar. Think of it like the Millennium Falcon with a bonus light fighter.We'll have some bigger ships - maybe up to a destroyer... After that we'll see!"


    Simply amazing, this is the game I have been waiting since I was a child in love with space...



  7. 1. CryEngine 3

    2. Being developed by Chris Roberts, creator of Wing Commander

    3. Persistant universe

    4. Instance combat scenarios with 60-100 players

    5. Single player

    6. Private multiplayer servers with full mod support

    7. PC only

    8. Oculus Rift support (VR helmet)


    Chris is doing this on his own, no publisher support.

    This means that he will need both crowd-funding and private investors (potential private investors waiting to see how many people are interested), hence the kickstarter.

    This allows Chris to retain the IP of Star Citizen and removes the shackles of big name publishers, allowing him to build the universe he would play in, not what publishers think would make the most money.

    I'm very excited to see what Chris can come up with.

    Due out sometime in 2014.


    Even if your not into crowd-funding, this is definitely a game to keep on your radar.


    Website: www.robertsspaceindustries.com

    PC Gamer article: http://www.pcgamer.c...-of-our-dreams/

    Kickstarter: http://www.kickstart...itizen?ref=live


    Pitch video:


    5min gameplay video:

  8. I know this already has a thread but I really want people to think about this.

    If you love Arma, Rainbow 6, Ghost Recon, SWAT, SOCOM, or any kinda hardcore shooter please consider

    pledging some money to finance this project. Basically, the project is a Hardcore Tactical CQB shooter

    (Think Arma only designed for CQB or a sucessor of Rainbox 6).


    Keep in mind if you pledge you will only pay if the project is fully funded, if not, your pledge is not taken from your bank account.


    I know lots of people here like hardcore shooters and I think this one has great potential but only if it gets funded.




  9. Donated some dough to those guys, hope they get all the support they need to make a great game.




    That Mechwarrior video from over a year ago was just a sales pitch for a publisher, and no one was interested. I really think this project has a real chance to become reality.

  10. So awhile back I played a demo of Anno 2070 (Ubisoft game), and I really enjoyed the game so I bought it from Steam. Now many of you know Ubisoft uses an anti-piracy measure, DRM, which requires an constant internet connection to their authentication servers in order to play. For a few days I was able to play the game as intended, so the DRM was just a slight annoyance.


    But something happened yesterday that will forever make me anti-Ubisoft (least as long as they keep DRM around).


    I was playing a game of Anno 2070 when suddenly I lost connection to the authentication host server. Unknown to me at the time, one of their servers went down, I tried to reconnect, restarted the game, reset my router ect ect. Nothing worked, and it was kinda late so I just went to bed.


    17 hours later I tried again, and I got the error "User already logged in". After spending an hour searching the web for a solution I found out I was definitely not the only one with this problem.


    What happened was this: When the server went down, everyone that was logged in to that server was kicked client side, but was still logged in server side somehow, so now everyone that was logged in to that server when it went down can no longer log in to play


    So I contacted Ubisoft support told them my problem, they said it would be a quick fix.


    5 hours later still no fix, so I decided to take matters into my own hands, downloaded an cracked exe and can play the game now.




    Ubifail sucks and I will never buy anything from them again

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