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Everything posted by Forrester~SPARTA~

  1. I've had fun with Zoo Tycoon, and Wildlife Park, but both games were buggy, hope you'll produce something awesome. Me and my kids will buy the game.
  2. Happy belated Custard, have a good time in Prague
  3. Happy Birthday, oh cause of many happy times.....
  4. I'd like to update you fellow spartans on our proceedings. We have joined GA clan, and are regularely doing missions with groups of over 10 sailors. Portbattles against AI are common, but now we will take the fight further.... There are plans in the making for a portbattle on friday evening, thus doing the hostillity missions on thursday evening. (around 21.00- 24.00 GMT) We will sail from Saint Ann I have a few ships to give away to captains in need, up to 4 victories, and 4 Wasa's are there for the taking. SO if you like to get a feeling of the current state of the game, come and join the fun. Any questions PM me or Custard
  5. look at this beauty http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198011317254/screenshots/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/885380010743383171/A4F22ADB31A43947AA592AE805B3C8E62603D3F3
  6. 5 spartans active on Naval action, great but we need more..... We need our tool again for orders, and the more the merrier! Come and join the fun
  7. Well my car has been adjusted, it runs fine but consumes more fuel sadly. My next car will still be a volkswagen/sister product. All other car brands have admitted on cheating too, and after studies Volkswagen still is one of the cleanest diesels of them all. Trucks are the next big issue......
  8. lets see if this works http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1151009215
  9. So did I http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1140495984
  10. Good deal, we'll go for brewers to see what happens. Fun fact I just got asked if we would like to join ARMED clan, the Aussie (and US) clan of Jeheil himself BTW no worries about port flipping max numbers, each country can flip 3 ports against each country, so if there are 3 neutral ports flipped we cant do one, but otherwise its ok. Port battles happen 22 hours after the port is flipped
  11. I set up outposts in: Sandy Bay producing Coal and Fir Black River producing Oak Corata producing Iron ore my workshop will be either in Black River or Sandy bay
  12. Did some research, we want ports that produce goods for ship building, and that means we should want: Brewers shallow port produces: Hemp and Stone Croata shallow port produces: food supplies and Iron Sandy Bay 4th rate produces: Coal, Fir and Sugar Oak logs can only be found in 1st rate ports nearby
  13. Update: I have joined the Brit side, and am sailing with Custard Cent and Samurai We want to make a fresh start around Bonacca, grab 1-2 shallow ports and one 4th rate to get us going. But we could use more players for the good of fun and jolly adventures.... So if you had a plan to play the game again, or buy it now is the time. The more the merrier.
  14. im on my way with the last haul, will fly the jack this afternoon. Will build an outpost at bonacca, were our GA friends recide, and see if we can get some ports and stuff around there.
  15. port battles against AI have 6 enemies in them, thats our opportunity to do some
  16. Coming back to sail now is full of opportunities, untill all ports are taken, so if you want to come back pls.
  17. in honour of talk like a pirate day next tuesday, watch this! https://nation.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=e023c670107141b78b02180109fc8dc2
  18. Guys, with the current state of Naval action, we have the opportunity to do some great port gaining, thus getting conquest marks and gaining moneys and such. Not many play these days. I'd say we get a port at Tumbado and start grabbing ports, for instance some shallow ones because they are able to be taken by mercurys allowing everyone to participate. This game has become a clan vs clan game.....
  19. I have tons of prezzie goods at Ctown (cartagena tar, refits and such, white oak....) Jus need a little money and I'll buy me a Indiaman. Wanna leave before the rats take the east coast again. Will try to sail friday morning. Havent seen many UK players back, but MARS is flooded with new players, and there are some quarrels now and then.....
  20. neat Custard, Ive been sailing this afternood, nicked a tbrig, but I need a new indiaman to get my stuff outta US territory. Ill base at tumbado for the time being
  21. will be there soon, gotta job to do tomorrow BTW, this seems to be needing a big active clan, so we have to get together and decide....
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