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Everything posted by Forrester~SPARTA~

  1. I'm just slightly over weight (92 kg's) with a length of 1.83 meter (were's my agenda, there I can translate those...lol) thats 6 foot tall and 202 pound???? my strive is around 85 kilos..... but thats been the same for over 4 years now.... I don't have much trouble with my weight/condition but I'd like to get a bit healthier (eat better food)
  2. having 3 active kids is what does the job for me (at 33) they do everything to get me exhausted after work/during weekends especially since they have 3 weeks of summer holiday to go and their sweet mom lets me have them as soon as I get home (she's fed up with them at that time, and I can see why...lol) we do lots of swimming together and a strawl in the woods is on our program almost every weekend What gave me the best condition was riding my bicycle in the mountains though, had a practice of 16 weeks when I was young, and no car so I had to do everything by bike/train.... after that period I couldn't get exhausted dancing for 6 hours on a time (ballroom/laitin, matches) I'm looking for a job closer to home so I can ride my bicycle to work, and I prefer walk that needs oudoor activities..... (collecting field data)
  3. Ah now I see the need for a loanshark... thats some money there.......
  4. watch out that loanshark don't bite ya...lol Glad we don't have em over here, I'd be broke till the bone for ever..... I'd love to ride a bike though, but I also know that hobbies (except for that frikkin computer) never last long with me.... I do ride a bike though on sathurday for the groceries.... here's my ride...lol (It's black, and the hood is usually off) My wife uses it during the week to transport our kids (3 of my own, the eldest has his own bike, and 4 kids we take care of)
  5. Nice rig, I just upgraded mine with a 8400 too they seem to be very good overclockers, though I never see the need....
  6. Green!!!!!! defo the color you want or am I too late...lol
  7. Happy belated Kiwi, sorry I missed it, my home-pc has gone tits up (wanted a fresh re-install of xp but it failed to find my raid0-stripe drives...)
  8. Dass ist auch ohne Deutch kein problem, aber mein fehler ist dass ich kein Hochdeutch sonder Bayrisch spreche So ein Scmarrn lol I do know a lot of austria but never seen this place were is it? I'm comin over to the german-austrian border at christmas (2 weeks in Fuessen) maybe I could go up there one day.
  9. lol I use a Geo-Explorer for work, with tracklogs etc. but using it for measuring my work-out no never thought of that. A day in the field mostly averages 30-40 km of walking.....
  10. have some pics of my step-uncles garden now (the kids wearing red/orange are mine....) rest on flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/38353569@N00/
  11. remember him fom a series, dunno the name anymore something like growing pains, or so..... he played some very plausible bad guys too though...
  12. Yepyep, put it in the blackfootstudios forum at the lolcat thread...
  13. Oioi TuG bro's get on the gr.net server on friday and sathurday and join SParta TS, you'll like it Im sure
  14. 33 is a good age, if 34 is that way too I can only tell next year.... Happy birthday Joker, we'll party on here.....
  15. Yeah, its warm in the hand, has a undefinable layr of chemical foam on it and when you take a sip you taste something bitter that tastes somewhat familiar, like something you tried at the age of 4....lol Nope, give me my Weizenbier Don't blame me for getting thirsty...lol
  16. Looool I really laughed at this one...
  17. As far as I know Belgium is ready to fall apart, and then there will only be 300 beers per part left.... No I like Bavarian beer over anything, the Rheinheitsgebot makes the beer proper to drink, not too heavy (like many Belgian Monastery beers, and not giving a headake like Jupiler. I've been to Belgium a couple of times, and I like the Bourgondic way of living, and during Autumn I like a Belgian beer too. But my second homeland is Bavaria (were my grandmother came from) Outside Europe I'd like to visit my other familys roots in South Afrika and Indonesia, but taht will come when I have my buss pass....lol
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