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Posts posted by Forrester~SPARTA~

  1. Dear Captains.
    It is an important announcement. As promised last Autumn - we are bringing significant changes to your vessels that will streamline and improve the experience removing a lot of pain points from ship fitting and crafting. It will also solve the problem of ships being less expensive than some upgrades.
    Here is what will happen.
    Ships lose their quality levels - as it was deemed redundant
    All Ships become have 1 durabilty as it should have been from the start
    All captured/crafted ships are grey
    You accumulate experience level sailing that particular vessel
    By sailing that vessel you unlock better options for that vessel class. If you lose that vessel in battle you still have that experience and can use those unlocked better options in the future.
    Example - after a lot of months at sea in the surprise your surprise will surprise any fresh leda captain, if you lose that surprise you still know how to sail it well.
    You don't need to search or worry for rare upgrades anymore (if you have them)
    Upgrades/refits are no longer craftable.
    Upgrades/refits lose the quality level and no longer can be lost.
    Upgrades/refits finally have size requirements. (large pumps can only be installed on large ships)
    Upgrades/refits can be received in the admiralty and/or as loot items
    Upgrades/refits are basically turned into ship skills
    Example: If you have Spanish Silk Sail and a Naked angel figurehead - you won't ever lose them if you lost your ship
    Regional bonuses turn into refit items/blueprints
    Shipyards will be brought back
    Example: You can buy bermuda refit in bermuda, bring it to shipyards in Port Royal and refit your ship there
    These changes will make all existing ships obsolete and impossible to use due to database structure changes. As a result all ships and upgrades will be removed/deleted from the game
    ETA - Estimated time - within 30 days but not less than 2 weeks from this announcement.
    Changes will be rolled out to testbed first
    All current crafted or captured ships will be removed from the game
    All Upgrades will be removed from the game
    All Permanent upgrades will be removed from the game
    Ship blueprints will not change significantly so you can and are encouraged to stockpile resources and materials for ship crafting after the wipe.
    Apologies for all the inconvenience caused.

  2. Dunno, I have to say the game is great fun at the moment, port battles have improved, piracy is a bit less of an issue, though at timers lacking portbattles frogs, danes, pirates and the occacional spaniard take a gamble around KPR. Sometimes met by an overwhelming Brit fleet, sometimes not.

    I dropped my port in the Bermudas, and harass the frogs out of Dutch territory, and the spaniards from US territoru, and freeports. Almost level 50 crafting, and almost rear admiral.....

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