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Everything posted by Krambo

  1. Old Trafford tomorrow so possibly some drink driving later on
  2. http://www.cdkeys.com/pc/games/project-cars-pc-cd-key-steam?mw_aref=4589656
  3. Someone buy me this game. £40 is abit steep
  4. Beautiful...anyway Zeno...maybe time for an upgrade....
  5. Interesting thread Rocky, hope you get this one sorted, sounds like my connection everytime I played WoT.
  6. Soon as i am setup in my new house I will be back online for some racing. PC is currently unplugged and boxed.
  7. Happy Birthday for yesterday P
  8. +1 this is mental. It looks absolutely incredible, going to take some learning but will be worth it. avoid the carnivorous plants
  9. Racking my brain as I recently moved my PC from one place to another and now it won't boot. All I get is the motherboard light so it is getting power, also when I switch off my PSU I get a flicker of light on the LED at the front of my machine. Things I have tried..... 1. PSU in another machine - works, fires up, boots, no problem. 2. Reseated RAM modules, tried both in each slot on their own. 3. Reseated CPU. 4. Reseated GFX card 5. Reseated all the cables many many times. 6. Taken out all components, drives etc and just left in the CPU + fan, 2 separate power plugs to the MOBO and the RAM. I haven't removed the MOBO from the case yet. It's as if the power button isn't working. I don't get any sign of power at all apart from the light on the board. If anyone has any ideas as to what could be causing it I would be very grateful. Thanks Edit - 1 second after I posted this I moved the jumper on the MOBO to reset the BIOS and it powered up! bastard haha.
  10. If COD4 returns i'm all over it, like a fly on shit
  11. Happy Bday for the 2nd Durka, hope you and the family are well.
  12. Will have a look at this. Miss you so much
  13. Bloc? Yep did love COD4, brought out the best of me to share with everyone #bullshit
  14. I moved out of 76 meg fibre to move in with my mrs and get about 4meg still trying to think of a positive for moving in with her
  15. good luck with the transition! at least your setup for the worst.
  16. Sorry its late! Happy Birthday for yesterday guys
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