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Everything posted by Rooster90

  1. Gamepad: no idea what that is, so no opinion from me. Mouse: Without a doubt the RAT 7. Completely customizable to fit your hand, amazing DPI, great look, and corded. Wireless mouses are something of an unnecessary risk to me. Maybe my fears are unwarranted, but the last thing I'd want is to have to worry about charging my mouse mid-game. The Orochi has a corded option, but everything else about it is pretty meh. I personally own a Death Adder and it works fantastic, but if I could get a RAT 7 I would in a heartbeat. Nothing but good things from that mouse.
  2. Somebody's a little butthurt over nothing, lol. He never once blamed the holster. In fact if I recall, he specifically said he had only himself to blame and it had nothing to do with the holster.
  3. Notch has let loose some more information on the upcoming "Adventure Update" which is set to be the biggest, game-changing update yet. I'm particularly excited about it, but you can read about it here: http://notch.tumblr.com/post/7276719413/coming-soon Following Notch on Twitter is usually a good idea as he tends to leak new info every week. PC Gamer picks up on this if it's something notable.
  4. Not sure how he's a moron.... It was an accidental (negligent) discharge that he blamed on himself. He clearly knew exactly what happened and took full responsibility of the outcome on himself. What he was doing was nothing new or dangerous to him, and I know friends who practice the same techniques. What happened was a freak accident and a great example of an accidental discharge that happens every now and again. He seemed very well-versed in his firearms training and held great character to take the outcome of a bad situation on himself. In America, that is sometimes rare to come by, as lawsuits are as common as cheeseburgers around here. Thanks for sharing Medic. Just goes to show how important firearm safety training is and will take my conceal and carry classes even more serious after I turn 21 this month.
  5. EMT's (and mine, made mostly by him) farm seems to be rather efficient for small-scale farming. I gather somewhere in the range of 30 wheat, as well as plenty of seeds to replant. Check out EMT's farm and ask him about how he makes his. CORRECTION: 41 Wheat and 60 seeds. And that wasn't a full planting either. The next one will be though, so I'll have more numbers in soon. The only downside to mine is that i sacrificed harvesting convenience for looks. When the water runs through my farm the a lot of the contents spill out the side instead of filtering to the bottom. this is due to half blocks/slabs being used as walkways instead of full blocks.
  6. KF was okay, wasn't all it was hyped up to be though. Certainly not a L4D killer. It was more akin to CoD's zombie mode. But if you're into zombie games and want something different, it's a decent alternative. 10 bucks aint bad. Today's Super Deals: Tropico 3: $3.75 Torchlight: $3 Men of War: Assault Squad: $8.75
  7. I busy week for good local music in my area. My friends' band NERVES just put their first song up tonight. Don't worry, no vocals to worry about here, just pure heavy instrumental heaviness. http://www.facebook.com/nervesconnect?sk=app_178091127385
  8. Ha! Knew Oblivion would go on sale soon. Got the full GotY Deluxe edition (every single dlc/expansion) for $8.50. Epic. However, baiting me with a BF3 beta invite for MoH is just cruel.
  9. Wow... this mod alone could get me back into Minecraft. I jsut dont know if I'd have the time to figure it all out. XD This combined with the upcoming adventure mod basically could make a procedural generated Zelda game, lol.
  10. "Pay-to-win" in some ways makes sense on paper and looks good for investors and other money-makers in the industry. However, in execution it doesn't really make for a fun game. I'd rather pay a one-time price for a full game that everybody has and is on an equal playing field than paying nothing (initially) only to find out I need to spend almost a full price anyways to have a chance. Hook, line, and sinker. Trouble is, often these "microtransactions" come to be numerous or repetitive. World of Tanks, for example, may be F2P but you'll want a premium account to get full enjoyment out of it. That's 15 dollars I'd have to spend a month. It's not long before I'd actually be paying more for a F2P game than I would for a standard retail release. Something like that would make sense if you actually were buying in-game time and not just a 30-day subscription. That way I pay for how many hours I actually play since I tend to play games sparingly and break up my routine. For competitive players who play a lot though, probably wouldn't be a good model.
  11. Without guttoral vocals, death metal wouldn't be death metal. Without high pitched shrieks and pained yells, black metal wouldn't be black metal. It's just one of those things that define genres. Metal wouldn't be metal without screaming. It's an intense genre in every sense of the word. Yeah, there's classic "heavy metal" from back in the day with Black Sabbath and the like. There's the operatic vocals of power and speed metal. But without screams, my favorite metal genres stop being metal and start being a group of posers. It takes the intensity down a notch and makes it accessible to the masses. People need to learn to look past just vocals or one piece of a song and look at the big picture. When you're singing about stuff regarding paganism, hate, evil, Satan, and the like, you better not be singing that crap. Modern pop music and other such garbage has tainted people's minds to where people almost exclusively base their opinions on a vocal style and sound. People just want everything to be nice and happy and understandable so they can sing along to it. Metal is not a sing-along genre. You bang your head, get violent, and kill people. XD lol, jk. It's more about a cerebral experience. It's music that makes you really listen and concentrate. It leaves parts of the song a mystery for the dedicated listener to discover. If you're just handed everything in the song on the first listen, why bother going back if there's nothing more to discover? This applies to every layer in metal, not just vocals.
  12. Black metal isn't for everyone. But we keep the vocals pretty sparse and spread out for that reason as well. We like to let the music do the talking. The second half is the most epic part! Fun fact: The solo was recorded on the first take.
  13. Earlier this year we released our first song to kind of test the waters. We got a lot more positive feedback than we expected and are now 2 weeks away from releasing our first EP. I'm now a guest writer for a small European-based metal blog and had my first article published on the site today. On top of that, the owner of the site has an exclusive first preview of our first song off the upcoming EP. Check it out! http://deathmetalbaboon.com/a-dmb-exclusive-oak-pantheons-in-the-dead-of-winter-night
  14. I'm in, just give me a date and a time.
  15. shadowfox1590@msn.com (name should be Rooster) Only way I've been able to get people to find me is through that old email.
  16. Rooster90


    Yeah, no perks is something I miss. That, and one thing I do really like about CS:S are the hit-boxes and registration. No other FPS comes close to how good CS:S is in that regard. You know you're going to hit somebody if you aim your weapon on them. Very little lag as well. Now if only it had iron sights....
  17. Rooster90


    No doubt, it does take a lot of play-time and skill to be good at CS:S. But that doesn't really make it fun. It becomes particularly disheartening when you're playing with lots of vets. And I wouldn't call the game balanced at all, lol. One-word: AWP. Not to mention auto-snipers, deagles, and the AK47. Granted, the last 3 or 4 iterations of CoD have been pretty crap and are total easy-mode to play (no recoil at all). But you cant really compare CS:S to CoD. CS:S is fun for competition players, but doesn't really have much appeal for any other reason any more. If I want a fun, balanced game that requires a lot of teamplay I typically go back and play BC2 or the Vietnam expansion of it. The hit registries aren't the best for the game and the simultaneous kills are a little silly, but it's a very solid game with no one weapon or style of play to dominate the game. The best TEAM wins, which is the kind of game I favor. Can't wait for BF3 to drop.
  18. Rooster90


    I have it, but every time I try playing it again I'm reminded why I no longer play it. XD Mostly filled with hacks, trolls, and surf/aim/gun game/DM servers. Nobody plays stock anymore and the servers that are running stock are always 24/7 dust2 and office. Two of my least favorite maps. That and I'm just plain no good at it. New FPS's have spoiled me and CS:S has become rather stale and is really showing its age. I'm so used to iron sights I can barely do the crosshair thing anymore. However, I've gotten back into DoD:S and TF2 recently.
  19. It doesn't seem like the players are mad over the price of the objects or micro-transactions... it's the fact that CCP plans to make game-breaking, play-to-win items available for purchase in the future, effectively giving players with more disposable income IRL an unfair advantage. And on top of that they're doing it without community consent and complete disregard for their customer's opinions. They have people in the highest levels of the company telling the devs to ignore anything and everything the player's say and just keep on keeping on in the name of more money. It's absolutely their right to do so as a company, but I think a lot of players will find this behavior unacceptable and will leave the game, something that is already happening. People are unsubbing in droves. EDIT: Favorite comment about the whole fiasco so far: "Comedy: Players of a game whose main feature is a free market economy complaining about free market economics."
  20. Looks like things are really going down the tubes fast for CCP's public image. First the leaked newsletter describing their intent to betray their subscribers with gameplay-altering (non-vanity) items sparked widespread riots across EVE, most notably in Jita. Now, a leaked email form a head CEO basically giving all subscribers a big "F You" to what they say or think. http://www.evenews24.com/2011/06/25/ccp-hilmar-global-email-shows-the-reasoning-behind-ccp-zulu-devblog/ Glad I resisted a purchase. Promptly uninstalled and forgotten about for good.
  21. @Skazbr: I would also agree, I enjoy the challenge of fighting other tanks that are better than mine. It puts my wits against theirs rather than my firepower. HOWEVER, the flaw with this is that when you're t5/6 and you're paired with t8's and 9's (which happens almost every game), it really doesn't matter how smart you play at that point. You can flank and shoot at their rear and side armor all day and will never penetrate. And the second you've fired and revealed yourself, any t8+ will one-shot you. The problem with the matchmaking is that the damage and armor discrepancies between each tier becomes exponentially greater, making it impossible for you to be anything except a scout or cannon fodder. And trust me, slow Medium/Heavy tanks don't make for good scouts. I don't mind having the highest tiered person on the other team 1 or even 2 tiers above me for added challenge. But when you see almost the entire team 2 tiers above you and you're one of the lowest in the match 80% of the time, the fun ends VERY quickly.
  22. Of course F2P guys can play with people who paid for it. Would be rather silly/pointless otherwise. I'm not too sore over it. Bought the game in 2007 with the Orange Box deal and I've gotten more than my money's worth out of the game. I think it's great that Valve is taking away that barrier and introducing more people to such an amazing game. It just makes sense with the Mann-conomy setup too, that alone has been bringing in so much money for them that they no longer need to sell the game. Smart move on Valve's part, especially since they now have the most balanced, fun, optimized, and stable F2P FPS on the market with huge community and developer support. They haven't stopped updating TF2 and making it better for 4 years. It's a whole new game since it's launch in 2007 and it never gets old for me. Valve, you only get more awesome with each passing year. Thank you.
  23. Cool idea, but I think it's a bit...too massive. It will just be pure chaos and will likely bog down a lot of people's computers. That's my 2 cents.
  24. Yeah, I've got two tier 5's and a tier 6 as well. It's still a really fun game, but the pool of players to draw from dwindles every day, making matchmaking even worse. Clan Wars really killed it, because that's something that's more fun than the core game, so the players that are online and playing are typically playing that now, making regular battles even more skewed. And if you ever want to win a match everybody needs to have at least tier 8 tanks. At its core, WoT is a really awesome game. I got kind of burned out by it, but I'd come back if matchmaking ever gets fixed. The future looks grim however. I look forward to their next title World of Warplanes, but I imagine it will suffer from the same flaws that killed this game for me and a few others.
  25. Trust me, I never stop digging for new and unheard music. I probably spend more time looking for music than I do anything else. And just when I think I've heard it all, something new (or old) will come to the surface and floor me again. And yes, the song from their new album is just fantastic. I didn't want it to end! That progression at the end could just keep on playing until the end of time. "Aava Tuulen Maa" caught me off guard and swept me from under my feet two years ago, and Anton looks to do it again in a few weeks. I'm very excited.
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