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Everything posted by Luggage~SPARTA~

  1. I have noticed a tendancy to take damage after you have client side dropped behind cover, but clearly the server felt you were a slow bastard and were still standing up, Fattism I call it. Otherwise most of the lag seems to exist in my brain What's left of it What were we talking about?
  2. Who are you, and what have you done with the sweary-mary merchant that is Krambo? Game is great fun, ask Carter, it took him ages to rage quit.
  3. Double Tap becomes so much easier I see
  4. And the public one is done! Apologies for the delay, normal service has been resumed.
  5. Right, the private server should be updated, I am just working on the public one.
  6. Good question! I am on the case as I type. Sorry for the delay.
  7. He is American, they know EVERYTHING about you, they are listening to your phone calls for a start.
  8. :Party_hat:Hip hip, my dear old thing. Many happy returns
  9. It is uploaded to the Sparta server and available to choose from the mission list. We run both the public and the closed game sessions so easy to run it up as required from the #missions screen.
  10. Do you remember when you last uploaded? I am trying to remember if we moved the TS after your last one, as no files came across.
  11. The TS3 viewer link on the landing page for www.legionofsparta.net does not work, however the one acting as a sidebar within the forums does. I presume they are working from different configs and the fix that was applied to the forum viewer needs applying to the landing page viewer?
  12. majorly disappointing, the AI was modelled on me I see for reaction times.
  13. Only if you promise not to call me names and make me cry.
  14. oh yeah, you is. Ok I just subscribed and it autodownloaded in the steam queue.
  15. http://static2.cdn.ubi.com/newsletters/2013/F_SHO_GL_US_130918/index.html
  16. Absolutely amazing, was expecting some bloke at a desk to provide me with the latest update on the war at the end it was so professional. Many many thanks for your time on this.
  17. Links unfortunately now head to page stating account suspended
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