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Posts posted by PRCP_Gordonh

  1. Here is my Drake setup



    Shield Power Relay II

    Shield Power Relay II

    Shield Power Relay II

    Shield Power Relay II


    Magnetic Scattering Amplifier II

    Invulnerability Field II

    Large Shield Extender II

    Large Shield Extender II

    Large Shield Extender II

    Large Shield Extender II


    'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launcher, Caldari Navy Thunderbolt Heavy Missile

    'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launcher, Caldari Navy Thunderbolt Heavy Missile

    'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launcher, Caldari Navy Thunderbolt Heavy Missile

    'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launcher, Caldari Navy Thunderbolt Heavy Missile

    'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launcher, Caldari Navy Thunderbolt Heavy Missile

    'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launcher, Caldari Navy Thunderbolt Heavy Missile

    Small Tractor Beam I

    Salvager I


    Core Defence Field Purger I

    Core Defence Field Purger I

    Core Defence Field Purger I


    Hobgoblin II x5


    It's not fully passive but with my skills it'll let me run the whole lot forever.


    Gives me 19961 shields, peak recharge 287 per sec. My resists are 69/58/69/80 (Em/T/K/Ex), but I can swap out resists as required for the op.


    You can save a lot of fitting problems by using 'Makluth' launchers as they have the lowest fitting requirements, also the 'Arbalest' are 15-20mil each.

  2. BattleClinic.com has a very cool feature that allows you display your ships load out. The down side is, everyone gets to see your ship. But the upside is, its better than a screen shot and people can post comments to help you out.


    heres one of mine: Mission Harbinger. http://www.battleclinic.com/forum/index.ph...ic,14952.0.html


    And Another: a Bad Ass Punisher.



    This program is what you really need



    It allows you to plan your fits so you know what to buy before you waste the money and gives you all your shield/cap regen times so you know if you can perma tank. Uses the API key to load the skills as well.

  3. Well I suppose I'd better post in here now as well to answer a few questions.


    The Trip to 0.0

    We call this trip 'The Bus' it is a heavily armed convoy of Battleships and some smaller ships. The route to our space can be dangerous so details of route and timing are kept quiet from people not on the trip. We make this trip once a month so if you don't think you are ready its only another month until the next one. Before this trip there are training to allow the fleet to stay together whilst travelling.


    Mining in Lowsec

    The minerals in lowsec are not worth the risks to mine there.

    To mine in lowsec safely you need to secure the system, to do this will require at least 4 people on each gate and probably a cloaked scout on the other side. The guards will have to be able to tank the gate guns and be willing to loose sec status by killing anyone that looks suspicous.

    We used to try mining in lowsec using guards at the actual op, we had 3 Battleships spread out around the op and a couple of faster tacklers in close to the miners. We had to lock, and threaten to fire at any ship that warped into the belt if they approached our miners. Even with this setup we lost miners or haulers at the stations. If you loose a T2 fitted Hulk you have lost 200-300mil each time, and this is extra money you need to make from the op.

    The best ores to mine are Kernite if you can find them, Jaspet(lowsec only) is currently worth less than Veldspar. Plagioclase is the next best to mine, on our corp mining ops we just start at one end of a belt and mine everything, and then move to the next belt.

    But if you really must mine in lowsec the best idea is to look for Hemorphite and Hedberigite, look for a quiet system, take a cheap mining frig/cruiser with miner IIs. Expect to loose a few ships and if anyone you don't know jumps into the system start looking for somewhere to hide. Finally mine at least 25km from the belts warp in point and stay aligned to a warpout object.


    Ships and Minerals

    PRCP buys ore/minerals and supplies ships cheap. Once every few weeks I set the prices from the Eve average prices, we buy ore at 20% below these numbers and charge 10% below this when supplying ships to members. In return we can supply ammo and most T1 modules free, we have some named mods as well. We also supply Retrievers and Covetors for pilots to use whilst in the corp along with Industrial ships.

    The corp will buy as many minerals/ores as can be supplied, we don't charge more/less for unrefined ore we have a 100% refine rate. The corp will also collect these from highsec systems if there is a decent amount.



    When operating in 0.0 you will need to be on the IRC server else you are going to die, we do have hostiles come into our space to try and get easy kills, we do the same to them. If you are on a corp op you will need to be able to talk to us, but if you are doing your own thing in empire there is no reason for you not to be together on your own TS.


    Own Groups vs IRC/PRCP Groups

    We only complain when people don't take part in our ops ever. When you aren't on corp ops you are welcome to gang/operate with any of the Sparta guys that have decided not to join us. All we ask is that you don't do anything that will reflect badly on IRC.


    Our Main Rules

    PRCP do not take part in any offensive operations on behalf of IRC unless authorised in advance.

    PRCP/IRC are not pirates, we don't get involved in any can flipping/baiting in empire or lowsec space.

    In 0.0 space do not engage neutrals unless engaged first, in our space(constellations 7-KXBJ and LQ-0QN) we operate a NBSI(Not Blue Shoot It) policy.

    If shot at or stolen from feel free to destroy the enemy ship, do not ransom(you may accept an apology though).

    PRCP as a whole do not operate in lowsec, you are not banned from lowsec but don't expect a rescue fleet if you get into trouble, save low/null sec for AWE/IRC.

    No smacktalk in local or on the forums, and no posting on COAD part of the Eve Online forums


    Any more questions I will try to answer later.



    Chief of Staff - PRCP

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