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Everything posted by Watchman~SPARTA~

  1. Great fun, good squad leadership from Durka. Really enjoyed tonight, shame about the satchel glitch but nicely done by all. Can't wait for the next instalment.
  2. I'd be up for this, what time are you kicking off?
  3. Are you suggesting that as my camera doesn't fit in my pocket, I'm gay!?...............................
  4. Rizz, depends on what you are looking for really. Soemthing to fit in your pocket or is size not an issue? Just over a year ago I bought a Fuji Finepix 5700: It's an SLR style without changeable lens, has 10x Optical and 7.1 megapixel resolution. Picture quality from it is superb, never lets me down. When launched it was around £230 but I picked it up on Amazon for £98. Reason being it was a model out of date. Not sure what the current line up is but they change them so often you can get the same deals and the Finepix range always get really good right ups.
  5. Would be good to see him hit the OLED with the same force he hit the others but that is damn nice tech!
  6. WOW, sound quality in TS3 was superb! Could finally tell Panic & Rizzla apart!
  7. TS3 dl'd and installed..... ready & waiting for the switch
  8. Likewise, not really interested in much else. Although that MoH video looks tempting...... get back to some COD4 style action. Mind you, with it's CQB aspect I'm hopeful that Arrowhead will fill that void also.
  9. Well, if they want to lose another war I'm sure they can be oblidged. Interesting fact..... when Great Britain first established sovereignty over the Falkland Island territories, Argentina didn't exist as a nation. Almost all of South America was under Spanish rule and known as the Viceroyalty of The River Plate. They're only interested now becasue their economy is shot to pieces.
  10. Spot on Fatal, thanks very much!
  11. Would love to do some Co-op, been way too long since I last had that level of fun. My weekends are shot though, at the moment so would be limited to mid-week but I'm sure there would be enough around for that?
  12. This is what's happening, when I checked the key configs I used I could see that it does indeed see the triggers as axis buttons. However, I don't know how to change that. When I installed the x-box controller it didn't seem to include any kind of key config utility, so would I need to change this within Arma2 itself? If so, any ideas how? Also, Arma2 doesn't appear to be saving the x-box button settings. Every time I went back into the game I had to set them all back up. Is this normal or am I missing something and I don't see a "save" button when I'm doing the key setup? Oddly, even though it reads the triggers as axis controls I can set any of them to other single key functions, such as weapon change, auto-hover etc. It appears that they only fail to respond to the fire command. If push comes to shove, I'll re-configure the fire to something else, just ashame as the triggers are so intuitive as fire buttons! Oh, Halli it's not broke. In fact it's the best game controller I've ever had!
  13. Ever since I've been playing in Arma2 my flying has sucked. Keyboard / mouse or joystick, doesn't matter. So I kind of gave up. Anyhoo, following my X-box controller purchase for Shift, I wondered if it might improve my flying and it actually does. Don't get me wrong, I wont be volunteering to ferry people around just yet but I'm way more comfortable and capable with take-off, landing and general flight in helo's. As well as single player practise I've been using the Air Dom server, to familiarise myself with the island and also flying under combat situations. It's a step down from safe practise flying but it's improving. One thing that is bugging me though is that I cannot configure my fire button to the controller. No matter what button I pick it doesn't respond. I have every other function keyed to the controller and I can swap fire with say, auto-hover and auto-hover works with the button that wouldn't fire but fire still doesn't work with the button that had previously done auto-hover, etc. Any ideas why this might be happening? It's a real pain flying with the x-box and having to switch to mouse just to fire.......
  14. All car companies work on the same basic principle, when it comes to known faults and potential recalls. They will balance the cost of the repair and likely quantity that it would cover against the negative financial impact of making a recall. For instance lets say a car has a faulty part that cost $100 to replace and they know they have a maximum 1000 cars at risk (confirmed through batch traceability), so total cost if all were faulty would be $100,000. A recall could cost many times this through bad press, lost sales etc so they will put out a service letter to the 1000 car owners and do a quiet fix, with no poor publicity. Even if the faulty part could cause injury / death they will still look at the cost model to see if they can avoid a recall and the subsequent bad publicity.
  15. Thks MH6, will get through the content this week.
  16. Yeah, but I love you more! Because I think you feel the same way..... a patriot.
  17. Hell NO! Regardless of my past life, it has taken me 20 odd years to get this woman. She is the love of my life, my soul-mate, the reason I kept on going. I have two daughters that mean everything to me and I would stand up and fight the world for them. But for Kate, I would give up my life if that were needed. But if it weren't then GOD help anyone that got it the way for they would be wiped out! British by birth....... ENGLISH by the grace of God. Waes Hael.
  18. Can't view that in the UK. Anyone know of a way around?
  19. Right, desert next. Key lime pie, I think!
  20. Cheers P. That's not the IP I could see at the top of the forum.
  21. Only using TS2 and I have that IP saved as a fave channel, is it a PW issue?
  22. Joking aside, I hope I can meet up with you in the not too distant future, I sense a kindred spirit. A trip to the US will be on the cards, after all my Best Man will be travelling from NY and I have to pay a reciprocal visit. If things go to plan this year, I might end up with some specialist timber that I think we will both appreciate!
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