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About Watchman~SPARTA~

  • Birthday 07/01/1967

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    Gaming, real ale, my kids & the love of my life.

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  1. Here's a decent one from Autotrader, good mileage for the age. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201606104795457?atmobcid=soc3 Then there's a 'tweaked' one, over 500hp. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201710080082429?atmobcid=soc3
  2. Current RS4's have a 4.2lt v8 but the first model, late 90's from memory, used a 2.7lt v6. The one in the video is definitely an early model, based on the rear light cluster, so possibly the 2.7.
  3. That's definitely an RS4, so not a sleeper in the true sense. Those cars were designed to be fast.
  4. Cheers guys, it was an epic night. Family,friends and a fantastic atmosphere
  5. Cheers guys, it was an epic night. Family,friends and a fantastic atmosphere
  6. Belated best wishes, I trust it was a belter.
  7. In true Cylawyer fashion, a very belated happy birthday
  8. Stupidly late, even beat Cy but happy belated b'day Custard
  9. Wasn't this a design project instigated by the USMC but once they had decided it was required the design company were allowed to commercialise it?
  10. Happy Treason Day, to all my ungrateful colonial friends across the pond. ;)
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