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Everything posted by CoBoL~SPARTA~

  1. It's quite a bit to read, but i found something in there that increased my performance in crysis quite a bit. http://www.tweakguides.com/Crysis_1.html
  2. I also run a Asus Silent Knight, do better than most in same range of fan.
  3. This is for win32 system ONLY. So. First thing, is to upload the installed game files to your server. Doesnt matter what folder this is, just make sure they are all present. You may have to also upload the \my games\crysis folder as well to the c:\my documents folder on your windows server. Alternative - if you did the direct download method, or have physical access to your dedicated server, just run the install. Much easier and faster than having to upload all that data. Next, find the crysisdedicatedserver.exe in the \bin32 folder. Create a shortcut for it. Then, in the properties for that shortcut, find the command line, and add your server variables to it. Example - c:\games\crysis\crysisdedicatedserver.exe +sv_maxplayers 32 +sv_map beach +sv_servername "my server name here" +map If you want a listing of every single cvar and command for the game (client and server), go here - http://www.hardfought.org/files/crysis_cmds.txt That should get you started. If you're familiar with FireDaemon, I suggest using it to kick this off as a service; it works fine. NOTES: 1) rcon does exist, however I found no command to set an rcon password. 2) the reason the command line ends in +map - using +sv_map, you tell the server what map to load, but it wont kick it off unless you force it to load for play. This was the only way I could find currently to do this unattended. 3) Typing 'status' the console window will tell you how many players are on, what map is loaded, if FF is on or off, etc. However, it can and will crash your server if it's full. If you type 'status' and nothing comes up, your server isn't fully ready yet - you NEED to get info sent back in the console to ensure it's up and ready for play. 4) As of this post, I don't know how to get Punk Buster enabled, nor how to switch the server from dx9 to dx10 mode. If anyone can figure this out before me, please post it to this thread. 5) The dedicated server file is multi-threaded! It can and will utilize multiple CPU's/cores on your server. 6) the +exec command also works in the command line, however I couldnt get it to load any files I specificied, no matter where I put them. I'll add to this as I learn more. If there's anything else you all come up with or discover, by all means, please post it here. Hope this helps some of ya out. NOTE - do NOT use the 'status' command in the server console window with players logged into the server playing, as it WILL crash the server. You can only use it safely when it's empty. Found another great thread on server administration over at the CryMod forums - http://www.crymod.com/thread.php?postid=80460 Shows ya how to enable PB and how to go from dx9 to dx10 mode, among other things. Hope this helps
  4. Forceware Release 169 Betahttp://www.nvidia.com/object/winvista_x86_169.09.htmlBasically an improved driver for Crysis only. Not sure how stable as yet, but will let you know. Thanks for this, sorted all my problems. Could not understand why in SLI mode i got less FPS in Crysis. Thanks again
  5. God Mode Locate the difficulty files in your Crysis installation folder (ie: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis\Game\Config). These files are called diff_easy.cfg, diff_normal.cfg, diff_hard.cfg and diff_bauer.cfg. Open the file (with Notepad) that corresponds to the difficulty level you are playing. Add the following line to the end of the file and save it: g_godMode = 1 Now, when playing your health will still decrease but you will not die. Instead, your health and armor will automatically replenish when your health reaches 0. Unlimited Ammo Using the same method as above, add the following line to the end of your config file: i_unlimitedammo = 1 Your ammo will be frozen in the game. [Disclaimer by zeno: Obviously if you make such changes in single player and dont remove them when joining multiplayer you risk being branded a cheat and booted from the servers by punkbuster, please be careful.]
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