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Everything posted by Cylawyer~SPARTA~

  1. Our very own Halli demonstrates why it is not a Bird!
  2. Ex-President George Bush's response to Osama Bin Laden --- "Lady Liberty says, 'EAT ME!'"
  3. Tony's Wife is thrilled that the secret tortures of Guantonimo (GitMo) have been revealed!
  4. ****TV ANNOUNCER**** "Today, Paris Hilton's body was found in a local Snack Vendor's Warehouse! After being diagnosed with depression, the heiress had been missing for the last month. Police have released this arial photo of the scene. Your fans will miss you Paris!"
  5. Wow! Kram, I am double your age!! (not to the day of course) Have a great Birthday Bud!
  6. Glad to see you in TeamSpeak tonight. Feel free to come again any time.
  7. Cylawyer~SPARTA~


    Had a blast. Holiday here today, so no work for me (other than that which is spousely mandated)! Therefore, I was up until 3:30 am with X-Wind doing the mission that had the ATVs. Let's do it again. My heart was in my throat most of the night and I nearly shit myself at the end when I was blindsided from some Talibani, that ended my night/morning.
  8. "And so it appears, Dr. Watson, we have found Durka-Durka's kitty's victim! Here we have a drawing of the suspect:" (If this is too cryptic for you check this link, originally posted here.)
  9. I noticed that Sam, SAD and I all have the exact same score.
  10. I would like to think that I was more team oriented than this shows, but I believe it is accurate as to agile and exploratory. I think one of the faults in this quiz is that it asks some questions that require responses in game terms that aren't applicable to most of the FPS' we play, but apply to more run'n'gun style of games. Cool anyway.
  11. I actually use a Bluetooth Keyboard and mouse since xmas. The only issues I had with it were the dongle didn't seem to find the kb sometimes, but I seem to have fixed that by moving the dongle to a front USB port. No issues since then. Works fine for gaming, except if you are in a game that uses mostly mouse and you need keyboard in a hurry, sometimes the kb falls asleep and it takes about a second to wake up after first key tap. Usually though, games like EVE that use Mouse mostly don't usually require instant reaction from kb where the second delay would make a difference. Games where you are using kb and mouse all the time, neither will fall asleep so you are good to go unless you go afk. I use a Rocketfish bluetooth kb and mouse.
  12. ...and to all a good night! Oh yea, Happy New Year!!!
  13. Closing out 2008 with a decent sized snowfall today and tonight here in Rhode Island! Sure is pretty coming down.
  14. I have the same motherboard as you have but running the E6600. Never have tried to overclock it, but it and the quad version you have are supposed to be very OC'able with this motherboard at speeds well over 3 Ghz with air cooling only (provided decent case(I have CoolerMaster Stacker 830) providing good airflow). Might save a penny and just OC the heck out of it. If you fry it, you can upgrade then. This has the added advantage of you being a guinea pig for me, just let me know what works for you!
  15. On this eve before Christmas, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and wish to thank you all for your friendship and commaradarie over the last several years and for those more recent community participants, welcome and continued growth with us in the future. I wish each and every one of you prosperity and happiness in the new year. If you have been celebrating Hanukah, then Happy Hanukah! This is a time for reflection upon basic premises of our religions, and other faiths have celebrated within recent weeks as well, so if this applies to you, then you are included as well. Finally, as I told my attorneys at work before I left for holiday, if you are atheist, then this is an excellent time for introspection or self contemplation and thankfulness for the YOU that YOU are! (This last bit went over well at work as one lady commented, "Thank you for acknowledging me!") Though it may wax and wane, each of us needs faith in our lives, even if it is only faith in ourselves.
  16. I'm in Rhode Island for two weeks, which will explain why I was not on internet over this past weekend. I brought my monster computer up for single player gaming and thought if I can piggyback on a public access or unsecure wireless then I might be able to browse the interenet, game if I am lucky. I was lucky enough to find an unsecure wireless today. A very weak signal (shows "no signal" under "signal strength"), was unable to connect at faster than 28kb modem speed. Went to the store and picked up a 10 foot USB extension and moved my USB D-Link wireless to another window sill and am now connected at "no signal" for strength but at 11 Mbps, so I was able to play and join TS! Hurrah!! Who knows if it will last everyday or for the full two weeks I am here, but I'll give it a try. Not sure if it is a unsecured neighbor's network or the public access wi-fi from the bar a block away. It only says Linksys and nothing more, but I am grateful for it. It is also allowing me to continue my online video tutorials on 3dsMax (maybe I'll give up lawyering and become a game designer or 3d animated movie maker). Anyway, I am here (TS and forums) as much as it will allow me and if you don't see me here, you'll understand why.
  17. Looks like I nearly missed it! Happy Birthday Jimbo!!
  18. I use Norton Internet Security and have for 7+ years with no issues. I found the new Norton to be more user friendly for a nonexpert, but an expert may find it too dumbed down withnot enough easily findable custom control features.
  19. Looks like I missed your birthday as well as Custard's. Hope it was a GREAT ONE!!!!
  20. Looks like I missed your birthday. Hope it was a GREAT ONE!!!!
  21. Even in hard times, we have a lot to be thankful for in each of our lives. So from all here in my household, Happy Thanksgiving and to all of you in each of yours, remember to give thanks for those blessings you enjoy and thank each of you for being my friend.
  22. It's not 24" and I am not sure about bang for buck, but here you go. Gateway, 30" Gaming monitor Very nice. In-store was $500 more.
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