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Everything posted by Cylawyer~SPARTA~

  1. Nothing in comparison to upcoming Star Citizen, but if viewed against EVE Online, it may be good. Like EVE, you never get out of your ship from what I saw. That said, this looks to be an enjoyable game if you don't want to get out of your ship. It is an MMO.
  2. Yo Yo Yo! Best birthday wishes to the lot of you!
  3. Glad it's working out. His insurance paying for it or yours? Sad to see this happened so quickly after your birthday.
  4. Had a good day here. Hoping all you mothers er, fathers had a great day!
  5. Not sure what you're talking about Donzi. Rocky said something about not seeing why he should spend an additional 30 British pounds on an AMD/ATI (they are the same company now) 4770 GPU (video card) instead of getting the 2600 video card. I believe my point was on the money, linked the proper chart and was referencing the proper item he was discussing, i.e. video cards containing GPUs made by AMD/ATI. Did I miss something?
  6. WHAT? The difference between a 2600 and a 4770 is a huge difference in performance. You get nearly 4 to 6 times the performance from the 4770 compared to the 2600 Pro in considering Texture and Pixel fill rates and twice the GBs being processed. I'd say that was worth $60! Sorry, image is small and difficult to read and distorts as you magnify it. I don't know how to fix it, so here is a link to the site I use to compare stuff. http://www.techarp.com/showarticle.aspx?artno=88&pgno=4
  7. I love it. Very nice condition for a per-alpha. I didn't back Star Citizen for the dogfighting, but it is fun to muck about with for awhile.
  8. Happy Birthday Jackeroo! mmmm, nude fencing...
  9. Seems I missed this one too! Hope it was a good one!
  10. Maj3stic and I have been playing this for a week or so... it's ok, very linear, even though there are some flanking opportunities and the ability to climb over objects/walls. I think it is good, but would prefer larger maps with more possible pathways to move around.
  11. Well, what can I say? My view of you has done a 180 degree turn since the marriage wasn't to P! In all seriousness though, that is great news! Hope you have a great honeymoon and a blessed marriage.
  12. Interesting. I've spoken with John Smedley in both game chat and on the phone before. Back in 1997 when his little company Verant Interactive came out with a game called Tanarus, I played it a lot and had a couple of times when I chatted with tech support / developers about suggested changes to game play and he was in channel discussing it with me. Also, I called in to their support number once regarding an issue and ended up speaking with him directly. He was a nice guy. I followed his career some after that with Everquest and Planetside and the merger with Sony Online Entertainment where he became president.
  13. I got to see it. Obviously not the preview they had hoped, but pre-alpha not surprising they had some bugs and technical difficulties. All the same, it looked damn good for pre-alpha!
  14. Hope it was a great one! and you didn't even say anything about it yesterday!
  15. I guess I missed this thread! Hope it was a great birthday!
  16. I'm disappointed in you all for not having posted any pictures! I know that E-Money has a nice enough maiden to look at at home already though, so I guess it's all good. Happy Birthday Chuckles!
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