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Everything posted by custard~SPARTA~

  1. I have made a flow diagram that I should be able to follow for radio direction finding so we can try a test I couldn't do this without custom snap views of both the Radio and Transmitter, I have to tweak my Transmitter one as it's barely servicable.
  2. With the way things are going there are going to be even more factories for sale over here, we are having more and more fabrication work outsourced to India. Unfortunately I cannot afford a factory sitting on 5 acres 🤣
  3. Flying higher may make navigation easier as we should be able to identify landmarks easier, judging a turning point may be harder though it might be an idea if navigation proves accurate enough to fly directly to the dam but at a set time slowly reduce height? Both are worth trying. @Zeno~SPARTA~would flying behind a lead aircraft help with the water? I am also annoyed by a weird voice, my own
  4. Very enjoyable from my perspective 👍 I was pretty impressed with the flying. My initial maths stank because I missread something on Chucks guide I have rectified this so our time too target/waypoints should be more accurate. To further improve time and bearing accuracy if when we take off we do an anticlockwise full turn and cross the center of the runway at the speed and bearing required for first waypoint this will help dramatically. If this doesn't improve bearing enough we may have to calibrate and recalibrate the direction indicator (take off and violent manoeuvre can throw it off) during the mission, this is a pilot only task as the magnetic compass cannot be operated by the Navigator. As Zeno has alluded to I will attempt to use radio beacons to return us to a home airfield. From Chucks guide the following is the Navigator role I will try to get as much as this as possible squared away, well whats modelled ingame. Flight Plan management. This includes leg distances, ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival), wind drift, altitudes, airspeeds, weather reports, magnetic variation, fuel planning, and landmarks for navigation fixes . • Managing the fuel by keeping an eye on the fuel gauges and switching to the correct fuel tanks when necessary . Managing the propeller feathering • Managing the emergency hydraulic pump • Managing the bomb arming panel • Reporting observations during flight (troop movements, encountered aircraft, anti -air batteries) • Managing the T1154 Radio Transmitter and R1155 Radio Receiver Sets • Managing D/F (Direction Finder) system • Checking for enemy aircraft at the back • Setting the IFF (Identify-Friend-or-Foe) codes when landing • Firing the Flare gun with the correct flare color when landing (which was very important since the light code determined whether you would get shot at by your home airfield’s defenses or not) • Setting the Identification Lights when landing (for identification purposes similar to the flare gun)
  5. Sorry for missing last nights mission we had a guest. Can I download the 633 mission to have a look at it in the editor?
  6. These are the ships owned by the current members of LOSC, I have some editing to do this is first draft https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/LOSC
  7. Ships useful for mercenary missions and there inventory sizes for looting Heavy Armour Set Helmet Torso Arms Legs Pisces 650uSCU can carry 2 sets @ 99% full Cutlass Black 1500uSCU can carry 4 sets @86% full
  8. Thanks, According to Chucks guide it was standard to aim for 240mph at low level as this would be 4 miles every minute. I think I will forgo using the flight record on chucks guide way too many columns
  9. Ok so what 2 crew ship are we spending our ingame cash on for this Cent? FYI your driving I suck. Obviously a bigger ship if anyone joins us
  10. Must set this up https://wiki.hoggitworld.com/view/Cockpit_Views
  11. Well that was interesting,as predicted I did cause swearing. That did feel like sitting an exam I didn't study for but I must have enjoyed it because I have been downloading E6B calculators today I have some questions so I can do some homework. I will plan an infil from airfield to target and and exfil to same airfield? Do we need an alternative airfield to land at? What airfield do we take off from? Do we need to exfil initialy in a particular direction to avoid enemy fighters? Airspeed at low level is about 260? Is there an offline map with tools I can play with, my brief search hasn't proved fruitful? If not I will just plan from the mission briefing. I will also research the bomb controls so I can get them ready for pilot to drop and switch fuel tanks when requested (not to off). Initially as the distances are very short I will just provide a heading for a set time to a known landmark then provide a new heading repeat until we get to target/airfield.
  12. I didn't even know that the pointy bits at the bottom of the digital calipers are for scribing a mark on work until I watched one of these videos and I have been working in an engineering environment for a few years now! I also didn't know any of the terminology for the parts of a lathe, I do now because I have just watched a guide. All of these abilities can be learnt, however another real problem has presented itself my want list for machinery has grown. If I ever get to retire my workshop is going to need to be as big as my house!
  13. Nah mate, the hover vehicles turn so fast and the turrets shoot so slow as long as you are moving away you can get away, my approach was also very careful. However I have been to prison too many times to count cos friendly AI literally warp in front of my gun whilst I am shooting badies
  14. A couple of you may know that since working at a metal engineering manufacturers I have become interested in learning to use a metalwork lathe, I am lucky that my cousin lives next door has a half decent lathe and when covid has died down a bit has promised me some lessons, he was trained at the RN dockyard chatham. The video channel linked is doing the kind of thing I am interested in, he has only made 3 videos so far, because they are short and game related I thought some of you may be interested. If you didn't know you can use a lathe to do the jobs he is using a mill for. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0L9JUPA1ga5CZiJ1s249aQ/videos
  15. Updated first post - Hover vehicles do not bypass turret targeting and are no good for infil
  16. Found a good guide to setup my Tobii maybe I will now be able to look behind the seats to the fuel taps:)
  17. Thanks for the tour, looking forward to more. 👍
  18. We have tried these a couple of times unsuccessfuly we tried and failed to kill the turrets. I have tried to infil with a ground vehicle this works but on my own I have made a lot of mistakes. INSERTION WITH HOVER VEHICLE DOES NOT WORK - TURRETS TARGET YOU HDSF-Ishmael Evict illegal occupants reward 22500aUEC Landed 2k away with M2 Hercules and infil complete with Spartan Failed as I killed a civilian HDSF-Damaris Evict illegal occupants reward 22500aUEC Landed 2k away with M2 Hercules and infil complete with Spartan (good landing areas flat with trees no rocks) Failed as I was distracted and crashed HDSF-Breckinridge Evict illegal occupants reward 22500aUEC Landed 3.6k away with M2 Hercules and failed to infil with Spartan as the area is a nightmare of rocks and got stuck with Spartan Second attempt completed mission but failed to exfil Spartan as I got stuck again had to walk to transport HDSF-Adlai Too rocky - logged off
  19. I have done some editing to the Matrix grouping the Spartans together and intend to add the new ships @Cent~SPARTA~ could possibly do with your editing skills adding colour and things my skills are lacking
  20. The cutter was indeed a brilliant piece of engineering
  21. Added 3 tools, Hanger, Trading/Mining and FPS kit tools
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