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Everything posted by custard~SPARTA~

  1. Graet schpellers of tha worlt untie 🤣 It's not worth buying just to get the Pisces, only if you were going to buy the game anyway would I advise getting the Pisces at the offer price over the other cheap starter ships.
  2. I am out all day if you do a bunker mission in Hurston (I assume other locations as well) the enemy AI have changed they are wearing dark armour with purple highlights it's also lootable. They also appear to have introduced an object deleting script if you see something you want to loot take it straight away or it might dissapear.
  3. Excellent video Cent thanks 👍
  4. If you would like to try the game for free this event is coming up from 20th May to the 31st May. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/invictus2952#/ILW/Teaser-Hub
  5. Below are the locations were you can hack in and remove your crime stat. Mistakes were made today Security Post Kareah Cellin AA Turrets and occasional pirates Security Depot Hurston-1 Hurston Armed guard and AA turrets Security Depot Lyria-1 Lyria Armed guard and AA turrets Shubin Processing Facility SPMC-1 Calliope Armed guard and AA turrets MT DataCenter 4HJ-LVE-A microTech Armed guard and AA turrets MT SecurityCenter DDV-6 microTech Armed guard and AA turrets
  6. Cent, Luggage, Zeno and I did a bunker mission last night although we completed it successfully and the changes to selling loot make these missions more lucrative they are currently borked and the turret on the bunker shoots at your ship. There has been more changes made to the way inventory works, they have added the ability to place ship component upgrades in ships as cargo making things very much easier however they have removed the link between inventories with main cities and their adjacent space station so we will have to transport EVERYTHING from Lorville to Everus harbour that we want to use when at Everus. The only thing wiped with this update appears to be ammo which is excellent.
  7. I amgoing to watch all the guides this guy makes on ships we have and see how many potential mistakes we have been making 🤣
  8. Apologies I am retarded, link added
  9. Loadout guide for the Hurricane @Cent~SPARTA~get to a few mins in to see the advice on coolers not watched the rest yet, maybe this content creater is worth looking at to learn about other ships.
  10. Normandy map is 50% off so I got it
  11. @Cent~SPARTA~ thanks added to list, don't plan on starting this today would prefer everyone gets the chance to have an input, I will be making a post on the discord to that end. @Zeno~SPARTA~added thanks
  12. I feel the urge again I am going to ask Luggage to put up a new survival server, below is a list of MODS I would like to play with and some server settings I prefer, if anyone is interested in joining in and has MODs they would like please add them (please inc a link) I am willing to discuss using any MODS and settings before we start to encourage more people to want to play. I would guess everyone would prefer Star System so there would be room for us all to start were we wish. I will be starting on the Planet Pertam a desert planet that has an interesting chasm to build in and around and limited oxygen, it will be nice to see what others build as I learn so much that way. MODS (WIP list) Industrial overhaul https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2344068716 Rotary airlock door https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1359954841 Midspaces large ship speed 400 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=570767389 Midspaces small ship speed 500 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=570766287 VCZ multifloor elevator https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1154898843 fix for above https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2575155978 VCZ multifloor cargo elevator https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1711861968 Rich HUD master https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1965654081 Build Vision https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1697184408 Build info https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=514062285 Connector passageway https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2783691448 Edge be gone https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2042716312 Containers https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2671376862 Doors https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2786027587 Server Settings (WIP list) Star System 8 hour sun rotation Experimental mode Random encounters on all other NPC or dangerous stuff off (as we have new weapons to play with should we have any of this switched on?) Thruster damage on Autoheal off
  13. Why did you have to post pictures gonna have to have a go myself now 🤣
  14. I think we all do just not all of us press the buttom to talk 🤣
  15. I think we only had one anti air asset in the front defence and it was located towards the center, Luggage builds more I think and more on the edges of the formation, until that air attack came in it was the most solid defense I have seen on that map considering how few assets we had there. Having more air defense may or may not have made a difference in this instance.
  16. If you are able to get it to work it would probably be best to place it on all friendly airfields. Thanks 👍
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