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Everything posted by custard~SPARTA~

  1. It's for the new battle instance UI, needs a lot of work but it's much better than the old placeholder UI It's down until Monday There are rewards for getting 25 AI kills in it this includes 5 boarding kills, the rewards are paint chests and a Santa Cecilia ship
  2. https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/28181-testbed-opens/
  3. Many happy returns bud, sorry it's late
  4. Added Safety guide for fighting AI
  5. Thanks bud, I will have a play later๐Ÿ‘
  6. Ship building and resource harvesting centered around Brangmans Bluff Fighting AI and looking for PVP around Carriacuo Guys how do I insert a Steam screenshot as an image and not a link?
  7. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year all
  8. I have placed 2 x Gunnery Encyclopedia Blueprints and 2 x Five Rings Blueprints in the clan warehouse in Brangmans help yourself if you need them I have a spare Gunnery Encyclopedia complete and 2x The Water Books for exchange I am after components for Art of Shiphandling
  9. They have again made a change to the drop of dubloons in AI, thankfully there has been an increase I collected 8790 from sinking 3 x 3rd ships
  10. Thanks, had a good day Nice one Zeno, Je vous remercie
  11. Be good to see you ingame when you can mate, got some ideas for you regarding Indiamans
  12. Lol no sealed bottles for 2 weeks and I get 2 in 2 minutes First 4779 dubloons Second 1889 dubloons 298 Copper Ingots
  13. https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/27538-ultimate-admiral-dreadnoughts-enters-testing-phase/ post in link if interested
  14. Having to rethink my sailing policy sinking traders is giving me no income in Reals so I cannot afford to harvest resources from my buildings. I have refit an Indiaman with cannons and I am going to hunt with this to unlock knowledge slots and be able to return looted goods, it may work ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  15. I have built an Academy building for the expensive skill books However If you have a spare 9000 dubloons you can craft the Navy Loodsman Reports in any GB port (go to Admiralty then PVP tab) it will give +5 speed Now I am very poor
  16. Very creative man my son and I also liked the cameos RIP
  17. 10th November Joint Patrols with Floyd, Cent, Forrester and Luggage these were mind numbingly boring as there were too few viable targets although we did make a Russian player sailing a Hercules dump his repairs to gain a speed boost to get away from us
  18. 10th November 2018 Patrol 1 Sailed N out of Tantun Cuzamil in Hercules, turned W attacked AI LGV capturing it looting Coal, Fir Log and Yorkshire Pudding Patrol 2 Sailed S out of Tantun Cazomil in Hercules, turned W Traders Brig sunk no loot Traders Snow sunk no loot LGV sunk no loot Traders Snow sunk no loot LGV sunk looted 442 dubloons Patrol 3 Sailed N out of Tantun Cuzamil in Hercules, turned W attacked AI Traders Brig sunk it no loot attacked AI Pickle sunk it loot Rig Repairs Patrol 4 Sailed S out of Tantun Cuzamil in Hercules, turned W attacked AI Traders Snow and sank it looting 544 dubloons Patrol 5 Sailed E out of Tantun Cuzamil in Hercules attacked AI Traders Brig capturing it looting 510 dubloons and 508 coal Patrol 6 Sailed S out of Tantun Cuzamil in Hercules, turned W attacked AI Navy Brig and sank it attacked fleet of 8 ships Cutters, Privateers, Lynx and Pickles sinking a Pickle, recieved instructions from Admiralty to cease having fun and do some jobs around house
  19. As a few of us are sailing from Tantun Cazomil I have built a Sugar Plantation in Sandy Bay to make more rum as we may need it. I also have a coal mine at Sandy Bay and an iron mine at Gracias a Dios so I will not need to run down the ship building resources in our clan warehouse to make hull repairs. It may be an idea to transport our Bellonas to Tantun Cazomil and Luggage his 4th rate so we can take on larger AI targets but I am not sure of this yet. Does anyone need a Bellona?
  20. 9th November 2018 Patrol 1 Sailed N out of Tantun Cuzamil in Hercules, turned W attacked AI Traders Snow captured by boarding and returned to Tantun Cuzamil the trader had 1334 dubloons and 445 White Oak Small repair bill and small profit on sale of Traders Snow Patrol 2 Sailed S out of Tantun Cuzamil in Hercules, turned W attacked AI LGV and sank it looting 1512 dubloons Small repair bill and small profit on damage to LGV Patrol 3 Sailed N out of Tantun Cuzamil in Hercules, turned W attacked AI Traders Brig and sank it earning 999 Reals it's cargo of Stone not worth keeping attacked AI Traders Brig and sank it earning 999 Reals it's cargo of Iberian dried pork not worth keeping attacked AI Traders Snow and sank it earning 999 Reals it's cargo of 213 Coal kept and returned safely to Tantun Cuzamil Trade Run Traders Brig containing Rum, Hull and Rig repairs sailed from Turneffe to Tantun Cuzamil
  21. 8th November 2018 Sailed N out of Tantun Cuzamil in Hercules, turned W towards Xpu Ha a Russian port Outside Xpu Ha attacked an enemy player with a Traders Lynx fleeted with another Traders Lynx completly botched the attack and they escaped Attacked an AI LGV ruined his stern killed most of his crew and boarded, took over the LGV as it contained 540 Bermudan Cedar, 382 Oak log and 572 Sabicu Log returned safely with both ships to Tantun Cuzamil
  22. Had my Pirate Frigate sunk yesterday by Cabral Built a new one, sailed it and a T Brig from Brangmans to Turneffe with Rum and Repairs in hold On way to Tantum Cuzamil to open ports for both my characters Gave in and joined Floyd I now have a Hercules
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