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Everything posted by custard~SPARTA~

  1. Grim suggested this https://reforger.armaplatform.com/workshop/59B657D731E2A11D-Overthrow @Gunthar as your last request didn't work do you want to try it? needs this https://reforger.armaplatform.com/workshop/5D8CAE1570401332-Overthrow-RHSCompatibility
  2. Perhaps we need to be a bit friendlier in SC and encourage ppl to join in with us when we play, I sadly admit the first thing I do when joining is press F12 and hide chat.
  3. I used to take the prospector multiple times to the nearest refinery and fill it with orders, when all the orders were complete I rented a freelancer Max to haul it all. Refining ores takes a long time but it's worth the wait I think.
  4. Lol that's awesome parking
  5. and the ability to share each others ships at least it's looking closer for this stuff 👍
  6. I have so many guns I feel like The Lord of War
  7. Work around for infinity symbol on cargo containers We need to get our loot on
  8. He mentioned that, but regardless when in 'local' inventory they allways work in my experience so selling isn't an issue, maybe a trip to Farnesway in a Herc 🤣
  9. @Zeno~SPARTA~ Watch this mate, move EVERYTHING into a container and sell everything at Cargo Services screen! #Gamechanger
  10. Good lord playing with Luggage sounds less painfull, I'd wait until that has been fixed mate, we can't do salvage this weekend Cent is useless he has real life stuff to do until Sunday!
  11. Others have had success at Aberdeen I just tried in a Hercules at less than 1000M and couldn't find anything, I'll try with another ship
  12. I didn't realise quite how many keybinds have changed appantly it's going to be a long time before my voice attack pack works as HCS have to confirm 500+ keybinds! For a visual presentation of some of these changes Loud Guns has made a short guide see link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trSDgLT8evk
  13. https://reforger.armaplatform.com/workshop/5E990AC4614243FF-ConflictPVERemixedVanilla Do we need this? I think it's on the Barbie server
  14. @Zeno you have some reading to do Vector 21 https://docs.rhsmods.org/rhs-status-quo-user-documentation/arma-reforger/rhs-status-quo/blufor/gadgets/vector-21
  15. I have found a quick way of auto generating the mod list, for the config, without having to type anything so moving forward I just need the mods name. If a mod has any dependencies these are auto generated as well.
  16. too find Joint Light Tactical Vehicle M2 Bradley fighting Vehicle STRYKER m110 dmr bacon8008
  17. Bacon Loadout Editor 606B100247F5C709 1.0.26 2.74 MB GM Persistent Loadouts 5C73156675E11A0F 1.0.16 368.99 KB For Grimm (this has 4 dependencies so not urgent) XM-250 612D15B9BCA62E3A 1.0.3 114.50 MB
  18. Admin server commands https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_Server_Commands Server config https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:Server_Config#scenarioId Accessing mod IDs https://reforger.armaplatform.com/workshop Default mission IDs https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:Server_Config#scenarioId Admin commands https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:Server_Management Default keyboard controls (Del = weapon safety, I may find this useful ) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2810818533
  19. Luggage has kindly put up a server - usual PW, the server names in this posts title MODS/Settings The Barbie server we have been playing on has 81 pages of items in the arsenal, I think this is way too many (for our server to test with so few ppl giving feedback). If there is a MOD/server setting you really want please post it here and we will test it. FORMAT Name MOD ID Version Size I have found a quick way of auto generating the mod list, for the config, without having to type anything so moving forward I just need the mods name. If a mod has any dependencies these are auto generated as well. If you discover a senario you wish to test please also post that here.
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