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Everything posted by custard~SPARTA~

  1. For anyone that may be interested the following links may be useful Red Hammer Studios https://docs.rhsmods.org/rhs-status-quo-user-documentation/arma-reforger/rhs-status-quo/server-setup Bohemia's Server config info https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:Server_Config#scenarioId
  2. Some say Reforger is just a test bed for the engine that ArmA 4 may be using @Luggage for a co op senario on a small map with GPS and the other kit I would like to test with just one mod, yes Luggs already has a server script running 👍 Senario ID for config {D10B11A71A36FCF5}Missions/RHS_CombatOps_USMC_vs_MSV.conf MOD ID for config "mods": [ { "modId": "595F2BF2F44836FB", "name": "RHS: Status Quo" } ]
  3. One day, just one bloody day and I am already in the editor (Sorry - Gamemaster)
  4. Replied in that thread Halli 👍
  5. I think I should be good thanks 👍
  6. Halli I have permissions to change all of the things that can be changed, Steel set that up for me I have changed the logo, but I need to work on the banner 1140x380 and background 1366x768.
  7. I knew I had forgotten to do something I will get to it
  8. Graves end very apt Nice job Zeno!
  9. It's a good ship mate but it's not worth worrying about we aren't able to fully utilize the ships we already have They are trying every marketing trick in the book to try and get us to part with money.
  10. Now that does look weird for a lift
  11. I feel positively over dressed armoured
  12. Hopefully the new purchasable cargo boxex are a step towards personal and clan warehouses
  13. There has been an update, bunker test anyone?
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