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Everything posted by NoScream~SPARTA~

  1. viiip3r Training to Salvage, protection, scout (16 day plan) Tiffany Davis (primary miner) Vipper (primary trader)
  2. reg. date: 23 Jan 08 Majestix Adder Cobol DrNo E_Money Viiip3r jennifer davis ROLES Corporation management Salvager's protection (military) miners manufacturers (production) traders (sellers/ market) refiners (processing) Transportation (logistics) Scouts Please choose a primary role, then a secondary and finaly a third which will be a minor part for each of your characters. We will then place role tests to see whom fits their roles the best. STARTING a corporation http://www.evegathering.com/corpstartup.htm It is the BIG day. You are going to create your own Corporation in EvE. This is a BIG decision and should NOT be taken lightly as corporations in eve are NOT guilds in other games. They do how ever have some similarities. STOP: READ THIS INFORMATION COMPLETELY BEFORE YOU ADD ANY MEMBERS TO YOUR CORPORATION FOR SECURITY REASONS - Do not say we did not warn you if you do not read this entire guide and get ripped off, as starting a corporation in eve, is not a simple task when thinking of security within your corporation !!! How to Create a Corporation: 1. You will need approximately 1.6 Million ISK. (This amount may vary depending on the cost of your first office rental fee.) 2. You will need the skill "Corporation Management" which of course is listed in the Corporation management skill tree. Each Level of this skill will allow 10 more corp members to join. You start with level 1 which allows your first 10 members. 3. To have multiple races in your Corporation you will need the "Ethnic relations" skill 4. Make sure to update your skills to the corporation in the corporation menu - Home - Edit Details - Update skills to corporation To first create a corporation, you just open the corporation menu and "Create a New Corp". The instructions are very straight forward and you should be able to easily figure them out step by step. Here you will choose your corporation name and "ticker". You will also choose your corporation logo. Go over these steps carefully as your corporation name and corporation ticker can never be changed once created. You can how ever change your corporation logo for a small fee of ISK, in game, later on. When you create a corporation you will have a "Head Quarters". This is not to be confused with "Corporation Offices and Hangars". How ever they do relate to each other. Once you have created your corporation, you will then need to still rent a office/hangar from a station. Preferably, you should set up in a system where you are working, be that mining ore or missions are what not. Base your first office around current operations in secure safe space. Having your first office in a system where your new potential recruits can easily get to, to apply for membership, is best early on in corporation build out and recruiting. Now that you have your first corporation created and you are ready to manage your new corp, there are a few things you should understand and do immediately before adding even one member. Even if that member is your best gaming friend. Trust is a HIGH factor issue in eve's corporation management tools. Therefore take these next pieces of info to heart, even if you trust your friends at a high level. 1. First and foremost : Open your wallet and choose the Corporation tab: Then choose the "shares" tab and locate your first 1000 corp shares that are created at when you created the corporation. Right click those actual shares and choose "give shares" and give all the shares to yourself, before giving anyone access to the corporation and letting anyone join it !!! You can always "give shares" to anyone later. The reasoning behind this is without those shares you can be voted out of office and such and more. Move shares immediately, upon corporation creation, so you do not loose your shares in the corporation or controlling interest, all because you left them lying around in the corp wallet. 2. Review all tools within the corporation menu concerning hangars and roles and grantable roles. Roles are what each member can do and has access to do. Grantable Roles are which roles a player can assign to another player, thus grantable roles is to manage who can give what roles out to corp members. 3. Hangar access is one of the most crucial security concerns in corporation management. We cannot stress enough how many times poor hangar access management and trust has caused many corps to loose hundreds of millions and billions of ISK and loot. Before you give anyone roles or access to hangars make sure you know exactly what you are doing and who you trust and how to properly secure the corporation assets from internal theft and shady corp members. 4. Take your time and review the corporation tools and menus. They are extensive and deep. Do not be in any rush to build your corporation, do this slowly and understand the tools and resources you have to build your empire. The better you know the corporation menu and interface the better your whole corporation will operate and run period. 5. You can name "divisions" for your corporation. When you do so, this will also name your hangars based on your divisions names. This way each division has its own hangar it can access and work with at all your corporation offices. In a nut shell division names are also your hangar names when you name the divisions. 6. You can create and rent multiple office/hangar's. You may however only have ONE Head Quarters. Your Corporation Head Quarters is listed on your Corporations "show info" when anyone views it. Your Head Quarters can be moved to any station you have rented a office from. It is best to not have your Head Quarters at a dock/office you frequent, as anyone can easily show info on your corporation and know this station and where you are usually. This could be bad when you start running your corp in eve and a war is declared upon your corporation. Later on in EvE you may desire everyone to know where your head quarters are :) All in all running a corporation in EvE is more like a business in real life, then it is like a guild in other games. Treat it as a business even if it is a friendly one. This way everyone will benefit from it's success. You may be the ruthless corporate raider or the great and grand leader of a huge corporation doing honest and good business in the galaxy. Running a corporation is something that should not be taken lightly in EvE. Many start one with great aspirations and intentions and then find that the name "corporation" is in fact the proper choice for the name in eve and how it works. One last thing, if you are creating a new corp for mining or a non-combat related operation, it is best not to advertise that fact in your bio's and such. Market your corporations recruiting efforts wisely. The reasoning behind this is, that recently, with the growth of eve and subscribers, "new player corp beat down" corporations are gaining ground. If you are intending to start up a manufacturing and mining corp it is best to also have members that can defend your corp, or alliance's in place, to prevent your operations from being harmed are declared war upon. Many weak corporations have fallen, to more powerful corporations early on, that just started war, for no other reason other then they could see the new mining corporation is weak and poorly managed. Regardless of corporation type and operations, you ALWAYS need firepower and pilots to fight for your operations and agenda and keep it safe and defend its operations. Secure space is no longer safe when another corporation declares war on your new mining corporation because you are weak and just mining without firepower support. Good Luck and may your corporation be a successful one!!!!
  3. TRADE OUTPOSTS ARE: Jita, Oursulaert, Rens The secondary TRADE OUTPOSTS ARE: Sobaseki, Nonni, Agil and Amarr VIII Metropolis Hek Eram Placid Stacmon The Forge Jita Heimatar Rens Lustrevik Essence Oursaleart Domain Amarr Lonetrek Nonni Molden Heath Gelfiven The Citadel Kaunokka Now you know, where all the trade posts are. =============== TRADING Co. =============== MARKET BROWSER http://eve-central.com/home/market.html MARKET REPORTS All the current prices for Ores & Minerals http://eve-central.com/home/reports.html LINKS http://myeve.eve-online.com/ingameboard.as...threadID=437508 http://www.abh-design.co.uk/eve/
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Eve_chart.jpg The full list of all four faction war ships
  5. Download the total guide to tazars in space thanks to Medic for the referral http://www.tychostudios.ch/eve/Electronic%...0the%20fuzz.pdf
  6. Thanks to Cobol for the original link find http://ineve.net/evetv/ Episode 13 http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/b...bctid1184470710
  7. PRCP_Gordonh ;) thanks EFT version 2.4.1 Download http://dl.eve-files.com/media/corp/Gripen/EFT2.4.1.zip http://www.filefactory.com/file/14563b/
  8. PRCP_Gordonh, Thank you for your frank & honest posting of PRCP & 0.0, as you may for guessed or noticed most of us are new to EVE and as such are gaining knowledge in the long learning curve of what is a fantastic tactical team game. Some of our guys have shown great interest while others hold back for information direct from the horses mouth ;) . I like the way you post information with no frills, I have looked at your website too for extra titbits. I personally can not speak for everybody but the draw of lowsec & 0.0 is great but at the same time I understand the perils for moving before being ready for such an adventure. I hope that in a couple of months I will be ready to take on the challenges of lowsec, when my knowledge & skills are improved in the key areas of survival. Till then I look forward on keeping tabs on our two intrepid venturers as they make haste to your boot camp for some R&R tough training lessons. I hope we can look forward to some good Q&A to put to rest any our own speculative answers to questions raised here. I'm sure we will be talking in the future
  9. This is where Mutilater is going ( IRC ) full map of eve
  10. NoScream~SPARTA~

    EVE HQ

    EVEMON on steroids http://www.evehq.net/download.php?view.18 originally found by someone called cobol ;)
  11. Apparently, the route to the boot camp (o yes you have to goto boot camp for 8 week) is in 0.5 space which is safer than Gnyspace. Once you graduate, you get to fly to 0.0 with a load of other graduates...... But your training will make you hard, as SPARTA ;)
  12. - EVE - From Medic a link to 0.0 training, this may become a thread http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtAgtrp4Uj0
  13. 300 million in 4 hours veldspar, pyro, and scordite You and 10 others I guess ?
  14. That site is in my book marks along with a review of MOH Airborne http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/v...on-MOH-Airborne Assasins creed http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/v...ssassin-s-Creed
  15. FCUKIN AWESOME REVIEW ! laugh my dick erection OFF PwntUpRage Great link posted.
  16. I thought we all had a plan? It had been talked about for a couple of weeks? We were going to skill up and mine low sec. space, we had made tests and calculations and I thought we were all onboard. The training schedule was around 60 days to hulk grade and in the meantime we were going to farm in SILEN ? What happened ? are some trying to run before they can walk? there is plenty of time in the 60 day program we set as a training goal to move from SILEN to low sec, I must of been mistaken when I heard all the talk over the last 2 weeks. Some say Lowe sec space is briming with pirates and head hunters, I just came out of AKORA for the 4th time and I saw one other guy, Slain has been playing in 0.3 & 0.2 and has the same experience. A Corp. might give you the comfort zone for 0.0 space but at the end of the day is 15 days of playing really a long time to judge the future? I have another 45 days of training on the plan I'm following (the one we all set out on at the start, remember skill up to HULKS). I'll make a call then, I'm in no race, I'm in crawl mode, soon to goto walk mode. I wish all the best to the pilots entering 0.0 keep us all posted ;) P.S. Over excitement is no substitute for hard facts and skills, Mutilater's friend Gordon sounds a like a good chap but it's early days into this game and we have explored very little. Wearing a badge might restrict your movements and there are many groups out there that don't get along. At sparta players don't get a badge because they turn up, they get is for being apart of something special, if the same applies in this case, there could be problems down the road, I will refer all this to the Sunday meeting, so we all know the facts of joining another group playing the same game. viii -45 days and counting.
  17. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article3204607.ece http://blog.seattlepi.nwsource.com/aerospa...ives/129718.asp http://www.kpic.com/news/national/13865147.html
  18. member is celebrating his/her birthday today az_sniper*BDA*(34) Happy Birthday Wow, That cake looks dam good
  19. If you need to scan your machine then try this. http://security.symantec.com/sscv6/home.as...KJBTVISBYWWYPWX
  20. So much hostility to one game ?
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