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Everything posted by NoScream~SPARTA~

  1. I stopped reading at "After studying the news for a term (boring as hell) I learnt that all media is bias, this is unavoidable and not all ways bad." Yes it made perfect sense
  2. Stupid biaatchs and dumb dudes. I ain't making a declaration of fact in this reply but the bias against was evident, in a balanced debate you normally have two teams of equal number of persons to argue a point or two. In this video it was one guy via telly link v the other telly link + 3 or 4 in the studio. The Presenter was fairly neutral and a bit hot ! Courtney Friel
  3. You know you did it, what ever it was, on the other hand maybe you weren't there but thats no defense. While were on the subject of being, where have you been, you can come and speak, or next time I will have to chase you ? (no gay implications plz).
  4. LOL Sorry Dr.No, A major failure in the commutation relays in Viiipers Head failed, leading to a situation where renegade drones were left to neutralize Dr.No4. Whoops :lol: :lol: Fcuk this game is fun at times of disaster. Your compensation is in the post $15,000,000 (ISK) E_Money should take part responsibility due to his distractive vocals on the open comm channel at the time of the accident.
  5. MUTILATER was having a joke, non alliance corps. are neutral.
  6. Happy Birthday Mark ;) One for each Arm and a spare ...... have 3 on me !
  7. Yes New Caldari Kitkat club (for now) HQ Corporation is cool as hell you get so many perks it's untrue.
  8. Titles & Roles VIDEO http://www.eve-guides.com/corp/titles.php p.s. Yes we submitted.
  9. CORPORATIONS in the game Eve Online A-Z list http://www.eve-db.com/corporations/ After much deliberation in a secret meeting in space station X The board members present concluded on the corporation name Legion of SPARTA Corp. LOSC Any feedback please, but Medic was using a thesauruses and it was driving us mad. [00:09:36] *chan* +Medic+~SPARTA~: spartan indutrial and mechanical industries or SIMI [00:10:26] *chan* +Medic+~SPARTA~: Industrial Warriors of Industries Inc IWII [00:10:56] *chan* +Medic+~SPARTA~: Opps, industrial Warrios of Sparta inc. or IWIS [00:12:22] *chan* +Medic+~SPARTA~: Industrial Warriors of Independent Sparta [00:17:31] *chan* +Medic+~SPARTA~: Industrial Warriors of Infinite Sparta [00:18:02] *chan* +Medic+~SPARTA~: informal sparta [00:18:25] *chan* +Medic+~SPARTA~: Industrial Warriors of Infrangible Sparta [00:21:06] *chan* +Medic+~SPARTA~: Industrial Warriors of Innovative Sparta [00:22:21] *chan* +Medic+~SPARTA~: Spartan Warriors of Industrial Innovation Long live LOSC P.s. The concept name was termed by Dr.No (so fcukin blame him, but the rest of the present members liked it).
  10. WARP SCRAMBLER v WARP DISRUPTER Source http://www.eve-tanking.com/ There are two types of warp disruptor available and your reasons to use them are important to remember. The short-range ?Warp Scrambler I? has a range of 7.5km but a scramble strength of 2. In comparison, the ?Warp Disruptor I? has a range of 20km but a scramble strength of only 1. One point of scramble is actually enough to stop any target from warping unless they are using warp core stabilisers. Each stabiliser they have fitted increases the number of points of scramble you need to hit them with to disable their warp drive. Since these stabilisers give a large penalty to targetting speed and range, a combat vessel will typically not perform well with them on but if you're at war and chasing an industrial target such as a mining barge or hauler, expect them to have fitted them. Since combat ships tend not to fit warp core stabilisers and range on the scrambler is particularly important, you'll almost always choose to use the warp disruptor.
  11. EVE -- Basic Knowledge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eve_online Spaceships http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaceships_of...ssue_Apocalypse
  12. Thanks Steve, it was a wealth of info ;) EVE-Online is a server farm of 120 blade servers based in Docklands London UK (UK boys) CCP (makers of EVE) is planing to do a major expansion for more players. 200,000 subscribers paying $15 / month = $3,000,000 income / month How to make money
  13. Old game but for Zeno the Keyboard shortcuts http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/928861/47111 This Supreme Commander FAQ is not focused on the storyline or flavorful aspects of the game, but on the technical and data-driven aspects. It's a reference for those of us who want to know what's happening under the hood of the game, how to tweak the last ounce of usefulness out of our units, how to beat that unsolvable campaign two different ways. If you have any questions, corrections or additions, please direct them to robyrt@marney.org. TERMINOLOGY: Throughout this guide, "Commander" and "ACU" are used interchangeably, as are "Subcommander" and "SCU". Anti-air is sometimes abbreviated to "AA". Resource costs are usually put in terms of M, E, T: Mass, Energy, Time to build. Each unit of time (T) is 1 second for a unit with build speed 1. For example, the Commander has build speed 10, so he can build a unit with cost T300 in 300/10 = 30 seconds, and if its mass cost is M60, he uses 2 mass/sec. VERSION HISTORY: 0.1: Outline concepted and upgrades started, 2/20/07 0.2: Adjacency bonus system, 2/21/07 0.3: Outline separated into factions, 2/21/07 0.4: Unit data ported in and cleaned, 2/21/07 0.5: Upgrade sections completed, 5.4 added, unit abilities fixed, 2/22/07 0.6: Campaign outline written, mission 1,2 done, unit data cleaned, 2/24/07 0.7: UEF campaign finished, 2/25/07 0.8: Cybran campaign finished, 2/26/07 0.81: Aeon missions 1-3, Build Mode cleanup, 2/27/07 0.82: Data changed to reflect patch 3217, 2/28/07 0.9: Aeon campaign finished, 2/28/07 1.0: Side comparisons section inserted, 2/29/07 1.1: Minor fixes, UEF unit writeups finished, 3/3/07 1.2: Cybran unit writeups finished, Tab keys added to controls, 3/3/07 1.3: Aeon unit writeups finished, corrections to UEF campaign, 3/5/07 1.31: Minor fixes and cleanups throughout, 3/6/07 1.4: Update throughout for patch 3251; new interface commands added 5/22/07. 1.41: Update throughout for patch 3260, 8/1/07 =========== 1. CONTROLS =========== Most controls are intuitive and/or covered by the tutorial, but there are a couple quirks to make note of. Note that all modifiers (Shift, Ctrl, Alt, etc.) can be freely combined, except where otherwise stated. One particularly useful shortcut the manual lacks is: Ctrl + Z: Select all units of the selected type(s) on the map. For example, if bombers are group 4, pressing 4, Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+4 at any time will make sure all your bombers are in group 4 so they can strike when the time is right. You could also zoom out, double-click a bomber, and Ctrl+4. -------------------- 1.1. SELECTING UNITS -------------------- Left Click: Select unit Double Left Click: Select all units of this type on screen Left Click on nothing: Deselect all units Left Click and drag: Select all units in this box * If your selection is primarily mobile units, only the mobile units will be selected. The game will also guess which type of unit you meant. 1: Select all units in Group 1 Ctrl + 1: Set selected units as Group 1 Shift + 1: Add group 1 to your selection Shift + Ctrl + 1: Select the factories in Group 1 * All 10 number keys work for making/selecting groups. * Units can belong to multiple groups. * Your groups will appear as icons on the right side of the screen. * When selecting a group, factories will not be selected by default. * Factories give their group numbers to units they build. Shift + click on unit icon: Add idle engineer to this group Ctrl + X: Select all units and buildings Ctrl + A: Select all air units Ctrl + S: Select all sea units Ctrl + L: Select all land units Ctrl + B: Select all engineers and the Commander Ctrl + Z: Select all units of this type on the map Ctrl + C: Select all units and buildings on screen Ctrl + Period: Select all engineers on screen Ctrl + H: Select all factories on screen Comma: Go to Commander Alt + Comma: Select Commander Period: Go to nearest idle engineer Alt + Period: Select nearest idle engineer Shift + Period: Cycle through idle engineers H: Select nearest factory Ctrl + Shift + L: Select nearest land factory Ctrl + Shift + A: Select nearest air factory Ctrl + Shift + S: Select nearest naval factory ------------------ 1.2. GIVING ORDERS ------------------ Right Click: Give default order * On terrain: Move * On enemies: Attack * Engineers will Capture enemies instead. * On allies or construction: Assist * Engineers will Repair construction instead. * Transports will Transport allied units instead. * On transports: Transport * On ferry points: Transport * Transports will Ferry from that ferry point instead. * On a Move waypoint: Patrol (UNDOCUMENTED) * On an Attack waypoint: Coordinated Attack * Coordinated Attacks must be issued in reverse order of speed: artillery first, aircraft last. All groups will attack simultaneously. Right Click and hold: Move in formation Ctrl + Right Click: Move in default formation * While holding Right Click, press Left Click to cycle through formations. * Taking formation takes priority over arriving at the location. Units at the front may actually go backwards to accomplish this. Ctrl + Alt + Right Click: Attack Move Attack + Left Click on ground: Attack Move * Attack Move instructs units to pursue enemies before completing their move order. It is denoted as a red line with a blue Move waypoint. Shift + Right Click: Queue this command after the current one Shift + Left Click and hold on a command: Move the location of this command R: Repair E: Reclaim P: Patrol * Engineers set to Patrol will automatically Repair and Reclaim. A: Attack C: Capture S: Stop D: Dive / Surface F: Ferry * A transport told to Ferry will create a ferry beacon at its current location and start ferrying units to the chosen destination. I: Assist * Engineers and the Cybran Mantis will Repair units they are assisting. * Other units will deploy in protective formation around the unit. * Factories will take on the build queue and default orders of the factory they are assisting. * Transports assisting a factory will transport to help carry out the default orders of the factory. * Air units assisting a ferry beacon will attempt to help ferry. M: Move U: Transport * Press Transport once to load and again to unload. Z: Pause Construction * Pausing constructions O: Overcharge L: Launch Tactical Missile N: Nuke [: Toggle Fire State (left bracket) * Toggles between Fire At Will, Hold Fire and Hold Ground. Ctrl + K: Kamikaze (Suicide) There are no shortcuts for upgrading units, toggling on/off cloaking and stealth, sacrificing, docking, or ordering factories to repeat orders; they must be manually clicked in the interface or Build Mode. ------------- 1.3. BUILDING ------------- Left Click on unit picture: Build 1 unit/structure Shift + Left Click: Build 5 units Right Click: Cancel building 1 unit/structure Shift + Right Click: Cancel building 5 units/structures Left Click on the map and hold: Build structures in this line Shift + Ctrl + Right Click on a structure outline: Cancel building this structure B: Toggle Build Mode * In Build Mode, keyboard shortcuts refer to each individual building. * For more about Build Mode, see later sections of this guide. Esc: Exit Build Mode ------------------------- 1.4. CAMERA AND INTERFACE ------------------------- Space Bar and hold: Move camera freely Q: Zoom In W: Zoom Out Ctrl + Q: Zoom In Fast Ctrl + W: Zoom Out Fast T: Track unit Ctrl + Shift + T: Track unit on minimap Ctrl + Alt + T: Track unit on 2nd screen Tab: Go to next saved camera position Shift+Tab: Save this camera position Ctrl+Tab: Delete camera position Ctrl+V: Set this camera position as the default view V: Reset camera Ctrl + F: Take screenshot Y: Open Minimap menu Markers for Allies: F5: Mark location as "General Alert" F6: Mark location as "Move" F7: Mark location as "Attack" * These three markers disappear after 10 seconds. F8: Custom marker for location Shift + Ctrl + Right Click: Remove custom marker Shift + Left Click and drag: Move custom marker (allies can do this) Esc: Open Escape menu * In the campaign or skirmish, this will pause the game. Alt + Up Arrow or Alt + Down Arrow: Toggle UI There are four possible UIs: Default: Bottom of the screen Left side of the screen Right side of the screen Minimalist: Small and transparent at the bottom of the screen Ctrl + Alt + F1: Toggle UI on/off Alt + L: Toggle lifebars on/off Ctrl + N: Rename unit Home: Split screen on End: Split screen off PageUp: Scroll up 1 page through chat history PageDown: Scroll down 1 page through chat history Shift + PageUp: Scroll up 1 line through chat history Shift + PageDown: Scroll down 1 line through chat history Ctrl + W: Toggle military overlay (shows weapon ranges) Ctrl + E: Toggle defense overlay (changes icon colors) Ctrl + R: Toggle economy overlay (shows resource usage) Ctrl + T: Toggle intel overlay (shows radar ranges) F1: Toggle objectives window F2: Toggle scores F3: Toggle transmission log F4: Toggle diplomacy window F11: Toggle connectivity window F12: Show Key Bindings Screen Pause: Pause game Minus on numpad: Decrease game speed Plus on numpad: Increase game speed Star on numpad: Reset game speed to +0
  14. EVE -- BPO Blueprint manufacturing http://www.kylania.com/eve/build.php Improving BP manufacturing http://www.kylania.com/eve/improve.php
  15. Ores & Minerals Calculator LIVE ORES http://www.evegeek.com/orecalc.php MINERALS http://www.evegeek.com/mineralcalc.php ORE COMPOSITION INFO http://www.evegeek.com/ore_info.php
  16. REFRESH to update Shows the Tranquility server and two test servers http://games.chruker.dk/eve_online/server_status.php
  17. EVE -- Acronyms & abbreviations http://games.chruker.dk/eve_online/basic_lingo.php Abbreviations BPC = Blueprint Copy Is a copy of a BPO but it has a limited number of manufacturing runs it can be used for. BPO = Blueprint Original Is a blueprint which can be used to make an unlimited number of manufacturing runs. You can also improved the BPO by doing material and time efficiency research on it. Finally, you can make BPC of it and sell them to those that can't afford the BPO. KOS = Kill On Site Somebody wants somebody to be killed. IGB = Ingame Browser This refers to the ingame browser. JC = Jump Clone A jump clone can be installed in a medical section of a station or mothership. However you need a standing of 8.0 to the corporation owning the station, to be able to install a jump clone. LP = Loyalty Points When you run missions for agents you are awarded loyalty points in addition to the payments. When you haven't talked to an agent for a day or two, they usually give you an offer. The more loyalty points you have the better the offers. Here are some examples of the better offers that agents can give: Agent Offers NBSI = Not Blue Shoot It Is a term used by corporations in deep-space. When you have a good standing to the corporations you get a blue icon in their overview. So these corporations are defending their systems by killing every player that are not blue. Some dubious corporations are also trying to claim low-sec Empire systems in this way. OOG = Out Of Game This means that the website should only be viewed in a regular browser, outside the game. The ingame browser have many many short-comings like slow & buggy table rendering. NPC = Non-Playing Character This is the 'technical' term for the ships & entities controlled by the server. Like belt rats or mission enemies. RP = Research Points These are accumulated when you get R&D agents to head up research projects. The research points are used as tickets in the tech 2 blueprint lottery. The research points can also be exchanged for datacores which are used in inventing tech 2 blueprint copies. PVE = Player vs. Environment This is combat against non-playing-characters (=NPC), ie. computer controlled enemies. This can be mission targets, belt rats. PVP = Player vs. Player Means combat against another player. Some even call the market activities PVP since most of the time you are effectively 'battling' against other players to sell your items. WTA = Want To Auction / WTB = Want To Buy / WTS = Want To Sell / WTT = Want To Trade These abbreviations are usually followed by what-ever item they want to trade. Ship & Module Abbreviations AB = Afterburner AF = Assault Frigate BC = Battlecruiser BS = Battleship CPR = Capacitor Power Relay modules (diverts shield recharging to capacitor recharging) EANM = Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane (armor plating that adds resistances to all damage types) HAC = Heavy Assault Cruiser INTY = Industrial MS = Mothership (big carrier) MWD = Microwarp Drives SB = Stealth Bomber Terms Buyout Trading term use with auctioning. It means that for that price you can get the item without risking anybody else overbidding you. It also effectively ends the auction. Ganking Means destroying somebodies ship to get the cargo. Not even freighters in high-sec are safe, since the have been attacks with fleets of battleships all attacking the same freighter. Destroying it before CONCORD destroyed them. Points This refers to the strength of the warp scrambler. The term is mainly used in fleet combat, so tacklers can tell how much a ship is scrambled. Rats This refers to the server controlled enemies that usually hang out in the asteroid belts, or are enemies in missions. Ratting When you jump from belt to belt quickly in a system, to locate some belt rats to kill. Then you are ratting. Scram Means trying to prevent somebody from warping, by targeting them with a warp scrambler or warp disruptor. Sniper Rule Trading term use with auctioning. It is usually like 10 or 15 mins. It means that if somebody bid within that time before the auction closes, the auction will be extended with that amount of time. Tackler Tacklers are small fast ships (frigates or interceptors) which are fitted with warp scramblers and stasis webbifiers. Usually they also have special fittings for speed, like microwarp drives. Tanking How well your ships deals with damage. There are both shield boosters, shield rechargers, armor repairer and various modules that increases either shield or armor resistancies to damage. Web Means slowing somebody down, using a module like the 'Stasis Webifier I' and similar modules. They will reduce the targets speed by 75% or more. Generic Internet Abbreviations AFK = Away From Keyboard DC = Disconnected CI = Connection Interrupted
  18. Have you been watching, STARGATE SG1 OK we will have a debate, all nominations plz acronyms and meanings
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